Part 25

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Weeks had passed since they all became a team, Sakura looks only at Sasuke and yells at Naruto all the time. When she talks to her it's to tell her to back off or call her names. Naruto is a decent friend to Chika, he's always competing with Sasuke though and asking Sakura out. . . Forgetting about Chika. Sasuke, or as Chika calls him 'Nii-san' ignores everyone except Chika. Chika is his only family, and he's not letting her go any time soon.  Currently all 5 of them were in a forest on a mission. 

"Sasuke point A." Sasuke said through the device.

"Sakura point B." Sakura replied. 

"Chika, point G." Chika said. 

"Chika, there is no point G." Kakashi sweat dropped.

"Well, I call it point G. I can see the cat clearly and am about 3 meters from it." Chika said.

"I don't see you, I'm 5 meters from it," Sakura said snobbishly. 

"I'm underground." Chika replied. 

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked. 

"Naruto point D believe it!" He yelled.

"You're slow Naruto. Distance from the target?" Kakashi continued. 

"5 meters, ready at anytime." Sasuke said. 

"Same," Sakura replied. Chika hmm'd in response.

". . . . NOW!" Kakashi said, all four of them jumped out. Chika had the cat and smiled but Naruto being the fool he is knocked her down and grabbed the cat for himself.

"Haha! I got it!" He yelled, the cat then started scratching him. 

"Target captured." Sasuke said.

"Does the target have a red bow on it's ear?" Kakashi asked. 

"Yes," he replied.

"Can't we get a better mission then this?!" Naruto yelled, Chika winced at his loudness. She threw her device and it hit Sakura square in the forehead. She glared at Chika. 

"Let's go to the Hokage to get another mission." Kakashi said, everyone nodded. Chika got up off the ground only to be roughly shoved by Sakura. 

"Whore." She said. "You should just stay down, you're so weak and useless."  Chika looked down sadly, she then looked ahead. No one saw. . . Or was it, that no one cared. 


Chika was running behind, well because Sakura. As she walked up the stairs alone she noticed a drunk old man standing by himself looking quite sad.

"Why are you sad?" Chika asked the old man looking at him.  He glared. 

"I'm not brat." He said harshly. Chika looked down. 'Is this how everyone see's me?' 

"I'm Chika, I'm sorry for bothering you. I just saw that you looked down and wanted to help." She said, his eyes soften. 

"Thanks for worrying about me kid. I'm Tazuna, nice to meet you." He said, she smiled at him softly. 

By the time Chika arrived at the Hokage's office all she saw was Naruto sitting on the floor talking to the rest of the team about ramen. 

"Silence!" The hokage yelled. "Naruto wants to prove he's not a brat who pulls pranks anymore. Fine we'll give you a C ranked mission. Send the client in." 

"Look the slut finally showed up." Sakura said. 

"Chika, it's not good to take to long. Be on time next time." Kakashi scolded. 

"Yea! Even I wasn't late!" Naruto yelled. 

"Hn." Sasuke said, Chika looked down. 

"I'm sorry," she replied.

"What? These brats are going to protect me?" Tazuna asked.  "What's with the short one with the stupid face? You expect me to believe he's a ninja?" 

"Haha, who's the short one with a stupid face?" Naruto asked. They all lined up, Naruto was the shortest.  "I'm going to kill you!" Naruto yelled charging at him. 

"Naruto, you can't kill the client." Kakashi said as he grabbed Naruto.

"I'm Tazuna the bridge builder. I expect you to protect me with your life." He stated. Chika stepped out from behind her team mates. 

"Hey it's you!" She said smiling, the old mans gaze soften. "Looks like i'll protect you.

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