Part 40

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*Third person pov* 

"Itachi, I never knew you had a little sister that you kept alive." Kisame stated. 

"Hn," Itachi replied his legs still in the air, he carefully placed Chika on the floor picked up the chair and sat down, Chika went and sat on him. 

"Actually I'm not his biological sister," Chika said softly.   "I just consider him to be my brother."  The Akatsuki looked at her, she looked nothing like Itachi, so they could see that. None the less she still was very pretty.

"What's your last name bitch?" Hidan asked bringing his scythe out to examine it, one of his arms were lazily drawled over the couch and his legs were spread apart, he was slouching a bit too.  

"U-Uhm, Kohaki." Chika whispered, this caught everyone's attention even Tobi's who just so happened to walk in. 

"I thought they were all dead, wiped out." Kakazu said narrowing his eyes at her, she could just be a phony.  'If she truly is a Kohaki, she could be one of the strongest ninja in the world if trained right.' Kakazu thought. 'And she could make a lot of money.' 

"Yea, they are." Chika whispered thinking back to her childhood. All the Akatsuki looked at her, she wasn't crying, there wasn't any guilt or sadness in her face. She just looked like she was talking about a stranger. 

"You know, it remains a mystery about what happened to them. Although when I went, it looked like they all had been murdered." Kakazu said trying to spark sadness in her eyes.  

"Enough." Itachi glared. "I know what you are thinking and it's not true."

"Oh come on Itachi, lighten up. All of the Akatsuki has had a dark past. We can't let her join without knowing hers." Hidan said wiping a spot of blood off of his scythe.  Chika glared. 

"You don't want to know my past," she replied sharply. Itachi slightly jumped at the tone of her voice.  He honestly didn't know much about her past, but something told him it was worse then he thought. 

"We'll all tell you our pasts, after you tell us yours." Sasori bargained. Chika thought about it for a second.

"Okay. . . . Itachi, promise not to hate me?" She whispered, Itachi nodded. Chika got off of him and sat on the floor looking at every single one of the Akatsuki members present. Hidan, Kakazu, Deidara, Sasori, Tobi (who surprisingly kept quiet), Itachi and Kisame. 

"When I was younger I used to live in my village called the Kohaki village, everyone there has midnight black hair, black eyes, porcelain doll like skin and different symbols.  As you see, I was born different. Because of this my father thought my mother had cheated on him, to prove it they took a blood test and I had both of their DNA in me. She didn't cheat. Both of my parents were repulsed by the way I looked, same with my other siblings. About a week after I was born I started doing 'demon' like things and that's when they found out I had a demon inside of me. Eventually the whole town found out, and well they abused me." Chika said. She pulled up her shirt and turned around. On her back was carved demon, it was a scar and there were many other scars too. She turned back around. "Soon after I met my demon and became friends with him.  A couple years later, I poisoned my family and while they were choking I burned down the house, then I went to the village and killed everyone. By everyone, I mean not one person lived. Then I walked to the leaf and met Itachi and them.  I then got kidnapped by Orochimaru who tortured me and experimented on me, got saved and went back to the leaf. . . Only to be treated really badly there.  Yes Itachi, by Sasuke too. I got tired of it, threatened them and left. Voila my life story." 

"And how old are you un?" Deidara asked. 

"12," she said. Everyone looked at her with wide eyes. 

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