Part 31

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My heart raced as I looked ahead of me, in my view were bodies of people laying in their own blood; it brought back some memories and my blood lust. I don't seem like someone who would have a lot of blood lust am I right? Well I do, I killed my own family remember! Oh the pure sensation of their screams, their agony made me shiver in delight. I can still remember the look on their faces, oh pure shear delight. I licked my tongue and looked over all the bodies, what a shame. I couldn't kill them, I kept my blood lust in and looked around as I walked ahead. 

"Tch, your scared aren't you?" Sakura snottily asked, I looked at her and smiled. 

"Oh, you have no idea how I feel Sakura." I said sadistically, Kakashi and Sasuke looked at me wide eyed. I started panting, it was getting harder and harder to hold it in. 

"You're tired already? Ha, how pathetic," Sakura said, Tazuna looked at me with worry.  

"I," I panted looking at the ground, my eyes were changing colour. From my beautiful purple eyes to blood red, half was red and half was purple. "I." I whispered once more, I was now on the ground shaking.

"Awe look the little one is shaking, and the boy too." Zabuza's voice rang. 

"I'm shaking . . .With excitement!" Sasuke yelled as he killed all the clones. 

"Looks like you have a rival Haku." Zabuza smirked. 

"It seems so," Haku replied. That was all I got, I was trying to keep myself in control, but I couldn't help it. I just, I need to kill. KILL NOW! I need the beautiful delight of ripping someones vocal cords, or the pure Ecstasy of their screams. I looked back up right as Kakashi said something. 

"And lastly our. . .Our. . .Blue haired kunoichi who. . . Is. . Strong?" Kakashi questioned. 

"HAHAAHAA," Zabuza laughed. "She's so weak that her own sensei doesn't even know what to say about her." That's when I snapped. 

"SCREW IT ALL TO GOD DAMN HELL!" I screamed, my chakra flared and my eyes turned red, my hair turned blood red. I ran after Zabuza. 

"NO!" Kakashi yelled, Zabuza tried to hit me with a clone but I easily sliced through all 40 of them, in the corner of my eye I saw Sasuke looking at me mouth agape. 

*Third person pov* 

Everyone on the bridge looked at Chika in both amazement and fear, she had totally lost control and let her blood lust take over. Zabuza was getting weaker by the moment, deciding to do something about it Haku hatched a plan. Zabuza went near Haku and Chika followed, doing a couple of handsigns they trapped her and Sasuke in ice. . .Where hell is truly seen. 

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