Harmony is empty.
She doesn't speak out, nor does she do anything that could possibly spark her father and step mother's rage. Besides, isn't it better to stay quiet than to deal with the fall-out caused by expressing h...
and Mother rushes into the waiting room with her high heels
the tile floors.
Her grey eyes scan the crowd. When they fall on me and Suki, she relaxes and hustles over.
She engulfs us in a tight hug, frets over us, checks up on the kids
and lets Suki bury her nose into her neck.
The sobs come
hard and fast then,
and fat, salty tears fall
off of my chin,
hitting my skirt and leaving me
h-h-heaving for breath
and leaning into Mother's side.
Please, please let her be okay.
Please let her live.
Please. Don't. Die.
A.N. Okay! Wow, it feels weird celebrating after such a sad chapter but boşver(that's 'who cares' in Turkish)! I'll dive right in with the character profiles. I had a ton of fun searching for the perfect pictures for each character, it was a bit tricky with some (like Mei, who has tanned skin) and I managed to get side-tracked only about a million times (oooh boy, do I have some great cpn ideas for you to read after SaM :O). But! Here they are at last:
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Name / Explanation : Harmony Aydan. Aydan means 'from the moon'. I chose the name Harmony a bit randomly, without putting much thought into it, but if you like, you can think of it as something she anticipates and hopes for.
Current Age: 12 years old, her birthday is late October.
Likes: Harmony loves languages (she is fluent in 3*), her favorite ice-cream flavor is anything that's the sourest, she's fond of cooking and can make simple dishes, other things include cats, cute stationary, creepy crawlies, swimming and going to the library with her friends, and of course, sleeping over at Orsai's.
Dislikes: People butting into her time with Orsai, she's wary of Aunty Aoi, she doesn't trust her Father, she hates food that is too sweet / too chili, bullies and she's still slightly jealous of Kiya.
Personality: While Harmony can be very insightful and mature for her age, she is still naive and, in my sister's words: an innocent blob. She's smart academically but doesn't yet have the ability to look beyond what is directly in front of her.
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Name / Explanation : Sukina Aydan. Her first name is derived from the Arabic word 'Sukun' and means peace / tranquility.
Current Age: 9 years old, her birthday is in early August.
Likes: Though not much is mentioned about Suki in StM, she adores baking and reading. This girl will read anything she gets her hands on: the backs of cereal boxes, phone books, it doesn't matter.
Dislikes: Aoi and Orsai, with a passion. She blames Orsai for stealing her sister from her. Other things include the dark and being alone.
Personality: Suki is laid back and calm, but she is fiercely protective of people she feels responsible or fond over. This includes the kids, since she became much more closer to them when Harmony was occupied with Orsai.
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Name / Explanation : Mei Yamaguchi ( 山口 芽生, I'm sorry I hope this is the correct way of writing it in Japanese). Mei is 芽 (me) meaning "bud, sprout" combined with 生 (i) meaning "life", but other kanji combos are also possible. Her last name is 山 (yama) meaning "mountain" and 口 (kuchi) meaning "mouth, entrance". I chose her last name after my favorite anime character Yamaguchi Tadashi from Haikyuu!! :)
Current Age: 12 years old, her birthday is in May.
Likes: Mei has a love for writing and getting things done on time. She adores her cat and all shades of the color pink, which she believes represents happiness! Food wise, she isn't picky but prefers it if her food is bursting with flavor and she doesn't mind chili.
Dislikes: Bullies, her inability to gather the courage needed to speak for herself, loud and crowded places, people who do not take her seriously, misunderstandings and, funnily enough aubergines / eggplants.
Personality: At first glance, you might have the idea that she is distant and arrogant because of the time she spends avoiding her classmates. She has very high grades and, along with Harmony, is often top of her class, which contributes to the idea of her being 'high and mighty'. In reality, she's caring to a fault; helping you whenever she can, supporting you and making sure you don't fall behind.
*A tiny note on Harmony being fluent in 3 languages (Turkish, English and Japanese) : It's not that surprising or amazing with her background. Please don't take this as me trying to make her some sort of 'perfect' character. I know kids younger than her that are fluent in more, and I am fluent in around 2-3 languages myself.
As you might've noticed, I didn't write anything on their appearances. I did, however, attach images but they're not an accurate portrayal of how the characters look. Mei, for example, who I imagine to have a lot of freckles and possibly darker hair. They are there just to help you imagine them better~
I only did three for now, but if you'd like me to do more character profiles then please let me know. I will try my hardest to publish the next chapter later on in the day (with the questions and the extra chapter :O) so watch this space!