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You and Tom had been friends since you were as young as four, he was six. But that never stopped you from hanging out. Well, until the two of you hit puberty. He got too awkward, especially around you. You didn't understand why he didn't talk to you that much until you hit puberty two years later.

You clearly saw why he was so awkward because everything seemed to blow up in your face. It definitely didn't help that both of your parents teased you about each other for that frightening year. But after each of you survived that. You went back to being super close.

There were never any secrets between the two of you. Even the crush each of you had developed on each other. You tried to hide it. But it was absolutely no use once your mother said to his. "Wouldn't they make the cutest couple?" You were fifteen and he was seventeen, the two of you froze mid step as your mother said it right in front of you. Your face heated up as did his.

"You're right! They would, it's even better that he fancies her."

His whole face glowed bright red, even his ears. You were torn between laughing and wanting to crawl into a hole and die. "MUM!" He splurted, entirely embarrassed. He ran to his room, before the relentless teasing could begin.

You just stood there not knowing what to do as you were in pure shock. Eventually you told him that you fancied him too. Even though it was extremely dreadful and you'd rather jump into a lake filled with piranhas.

But the two of you never did anything about it. Simply telling one another was weird enough. Let alone the idea of snogging one another. Years passed but your love for him never faded. You didn't know about his, as he refused to say anything more about the subject. Which was understandable.

You were asked to watch his little cousin while the rest of the family went to the airport to take him home, after his journey in America. It was a few hours until they were to be home. So you spent that time reading books and playing games. You tried to keep up with the little four year old the best you could.

The front door opened and in walked Tom. "UNCLE TOMMY GET OFF THE FLOOR YOU'LL MELT!" She screamed, clinging to you. You were standing on the table, with her on your back. You giggled as he just stood there confused with his one messed up eyebrow.

"The floor is lava." You said to him, smiling from ear to ear. Even though he was jet lagged, extremely tired, and felt like he was getting sick. A small and tiresome smile crossed his face, because of you. He jumped onto his luggage, then leaped to the chair. He walked across the sofa until he was arms length from you.

He held his arms out to take the little girl off your back. "Uncle Tommy! Get Y/N! The table is getting on fire and she's going to die!" Everyone laughed and shook their heads at the child's story.

"Okay, okay." He set her on the couch. Then as you were about to step on the floor he picked you up, bridal style.

"Oh, my god! Put me down you bloody dimwit!" You screeched, not feeling safe. He put you on the floor after asking her if the lava had vanished. Once she said yes the two of you both got off the furniture. You apologized for yelling at him, especially as he had just gotten home. You crossed over to carry the bags you could handle to his room. Despite his protesting.

You set them on his bed. "Before you ask. Yes. I got you a prezzie." You smiled, feeling like a child. You sat cross legged on his bed while he searched through the bags. Once he found your gift, he sat it on your lap. You opened it excitedly, while he searched for the rest of the gifts for his family.

Your face lit up when you saw the American goodies. (I iz talking about twizzlers, chocolate, that kind of goodies mkay) "I missed you so much but it's okay now since you got me these!" He giggled, sitting back down on his bed. You went to kiss his cheek  but he turned his head so you ended up kissing his lips instead.

You tried to pull away, scared of his reaction, he didn't let you. He quickly placed a hand on your face and another around your waist to pull you closer. After the two of you broke away, you blushed hard, and your whole body was shaking. You heard him curse under his breath. "Well if I knew that was that thank you I would've gotten I would've bought you some sooner."


"Hey, shh, if you don't tell anyone I'll give you a pony!" Tom told her, she immediately shut up. While you were forced to hide your red face behind his pillow.

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