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You and your friend were hanging out when all of a sudden she stopped and you walked into her. Both of you let out a groan as you separated. "You know what I just realized?" She questioned you. You shrugged, raising an eyebrow. "That when you and Peter first started dating it was really weird for me. Cause he was hardly ever around. Now it just feels straight up weird without him being by your side."

You laughed. "Good to know you like him."

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I never said I liked him. I said it feels weird without him here."

"You like my fiance! You like my fiance!" You said in a sing song voice, dashing away from her to humiliate her. She laughed running after you. You slowed and pulled out your phone while you waited for her to catch up. "I'm supposed to meet with Peter so we can go over plans for pictures." You said, shoving your phone back in your bag.

A lil while later you wound up at Peter's apartment. "Hey cutie," he said as you walked in.

"I know what I am, aren't you going to say something nice to your future misses?" Your friend said to him. You tried not to laugh as he pulled a face and rolled his eyes. Whispering why did she have to come? She walked over and sat on the couch.

"I was talking to my girl." Peter replied, jokingly glaring at her. "Not you." He pecked your lips as you greeted him with a hug. "I love you," he said softly. You giggled, resting your head on his chest. Repeating the words back to him. "Nawh, I love you more." You smiled contently.

"I know you do because I am just absolutely amazing. But you should really love your wife more, man."

"I wasn't talking to you!" Peter raised his voice. A smile stretched across his face. "I don't love you woman!"

"You have too, she's loveable." You chimed in. Peter let out a sigh.

"Fine. Agape love only! Cause it'd be gross any other way! You're like my annoying little sister." Your friend pumped her fist in the air.

"Awh, yeah, I got declared as annoying little sister! I have been adopted by Spider-Man!" You all laughed at your crazy friend. The two of you sat on the couch, and started to talk about the plans for the wedding that was coming up shortly. But you got side tracked. By each other.

"Can I keep you?" Peter asked, kissing your hand. You blushed, replying with. "Only if I can keep you." This was followed by more I love you's and the repeating, keep you. Your friend, who you'd forgotten was there let out a groan.

"You can keep each other in two weeks!"

Peter smiled, resting his forehead on yours. "I like the sound of that." He kissed you again.

"It was cute at first guys. It really was. Now I want to barf." Purely just to annoy your friend Peter kissed you. A heck of a lot more than just a peck on the lips. You broke apart due to being hit by a pillow. And a water bottle. "MY EYES! PLEASE! I AM INNOCENT! TWO MORE WEEKS PEOPLE! TWO MORE THAN Y'ALL CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST NOT IN FRONT OF ME!"

Peter broke into a fit of giggles. "Two more weeks then I'm getting new locks to keep you out."

"No, don't even worry about that. Cause once you two get hitched y'all ain't gonna see me till you have a baby human."

"And just why won't we?" You asked curiously.

"Cause you'll be too busy eating each other's faces off."

Hope you like it! I'm not too sure where I was going with it. But I decided to base it off of my afternoon spent with my friends who are going to get married next month

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