Tom/ when in Hawaii

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A little girl with dark brown, insanely curly hair, ran up to Tom. Hugging his legs. "Hello squid," he beamed, bending over to pick the six year old up. He kissed her chubby cheeks. "Where's mummy?"

"Umm," she thought for a moment, "mommy is in the bathroom. She was trying to put black gunk on her eyes." She scrunched up her face in disgust. She couldn't understand the purpose of putting cold, wet, black liner on your eyelids. Tom put her on his shoulders, walking towards the bathroom.

"Shall we give mummy a fright?" Tom asked, a cheeky smile crossing his features. A small whisper of a yes was heard. You were singing along to your song, trying not to bop along as you did your best to put on eyeliner. You moved away from the mirror checking how it looked.

So Tom took that opportunity to literally jump in behind you, "BOO!" They both shouted and you screamed and fell to the floor. Tom came close to falling to the ground in laughter, nearly forgetting the little human on top of him. You panted to catch your breath, your eyes tearing up.

"When did you get home!?" You finally asked. Tom helped you up and your little girl held onto his head of hair to keep from falling.

"A couple seconds ago, we finished filming." You nodded, your heart still racing. He went to kiss your cheek but you tried to squirm away, it was to no use tho. You were as strong as a chicken nugget, trying to fight away was useless. It was like a marshmallow trying to fight a tsunami.

Tom peppered your face with kisses until you gave up and stayed still. You leaned into him, resting your head on your daughters knee that was covering his shoulder. "Mummy," she sounded like Tom. She had an odd way of speaking, she either sounded like your or like Tom. Most of the time it was an in-between accent. "Can we go to the beach now?"

"Does daddy want to?" You asked curiously.

"Please Daddy!" She begged.

"Okay, you have to change first. You'll get wet." He set her down on the tiled floor. Within minutes you were on the Sandy beach, you were having none of the ocean. You always hated the idea of what could be in there. So, instead you began to take make a sand castle.

"Mommy, mummy look!" Your daughter shouted with joy, pointing out where Tom was on a surfboard. He'd finally gotten the hang of surfing down, something he desperately needed to learn for a fast approaching scene. She sat on your lap and you pulled back her hair, up into a little bun.

As Tom got closer to the shore she ran towards him. "Can I try daddy?!" She asked, her face beaming with excitement. He sat on the bobbing board.

"Ask mummy if it's okay first." Hesitantly you nodded, eagerly she carefully walked towards Tom. He lifted her onto the surfboard, and she tightly held onto his hand until she felt comfortable. Tom pushed the two of them back out, into the deeper water and they reminded you of that scene in Lilo and Stitch.

Her excitement bubbled out of her as she desperately asked if they could try a wave. Tom easily gave in, not being able to say no to his little girl. As soon as they caught one Tom quickly scooped her up, not wanting her to topple in. You were able to snap a quick picture of your little family before the two of them crashed into the water.

Worriedly you ran towards the edge of the water. The two of them submerged at the same time, sounding as if they were coughing up a lung. You waded in until the water was to your mid thigh, "are you okay?!" You asked them both. Your little girl was trying to rub the salt water away from her eyes, as was Tom, although his own eyes felt as if they were on fire.

"I want to do that again!" Your daughter said still bubbling with happiness, shocking both of you. So they did, again and again, for about an hour and a half. Tom heard her tummy growl so he took the chance to head back to the sand, where you were.

You wrapped them both in a towel, as they sat down next to you. Tom laid down, resting his head on your legs. Your little girl still clung to him, closing her eyes. You smiled at the pair. "I think we should get ice cream for dinner." You thought aloud, "oh, and burgers."

"I'm to tired to move," Tom groaned, you chuckled, trying to push his wet mop of a head off you. Eventually you got away and his head dropped into the sand. You pulled are his hand, "fine," he grumbled tiredly. He passed your baby girl to you and she rested her head on your shoulder, wrapping her legs around your hips.

Tom wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his side. He quickly wrapped you in a towel, hiding both of you. You didn't have a chance to ask what was happening before you were bombarded by paparazzi. Lights went off and there were questions everywhere. "Can you not?" Tom asked them, "you've been around me all day."

"We haven't any of your girlfriend and kid."

"She's been my wife for seven years." Tom snapped, "and leave my daughter out of this." As he guided you back to the hotel, security guards kept them away. Tom took the damp towel off of you, once the elevator doors were shut. He kissed the back of your hand, as you went up to your level.

Once they had both showered and were dried you went back out. To get dinner. You got burgers first then ice cream. Then you again ended up at the beach, your little girl was asleep on Tom's shoulders, resting her head on top of his. You remembered the pictures you'd taken and began to show him. He chuckled at the one where they had fallen in the first time.

"Thank you." He quickly pecked your lips. You smiled, still feeling like that teenage girl who adored him.

"I love you."

"I know." He winked and you giggled.

Is that a good ending?

Idk lemme know

I'mma do a make-up one for him, when he's on the set of Spidey,
And a pirate one. They should be fun to write! I should have then both up this week!

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