Peter/ PT 1

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You were in your room, enjoying the silence. Your parents had gone out for the weekend and your siblings had left to spend the night at their friends. Which meant you had the whole night to yourself. It was Saturday night and you were hungry. So you ventured out of your room the the kitchen to grab a snack.

Then it dawned on you that you could watch your favorite movie. All to yourself. With as much popcorn as you could eat. Even going as far as being able to make a blanket fort, to watch the movie in. If you truly wanted too.

A small smile tugged on your lips. Yep. This was your weekend. You turned on the music to a reasonable amount. Singing your heart out as you waited for the grilled cheese sandwiches to be done. Once deciding they were indeed cheesey enough, you sat the plate down on the couch.

You took half of one, walking back to your room to get a blanket. You turned off the music, and turned on the movie. Once you were settled there was a knock on the window. Causing you to scream and hide under the blanket. Slowly you peeked your head out when you realized that the murderer would've already known you were there. Under the insanely fluffy blanket.

You stood up, grabbing the remote as a weapon as you turned on the light.


You dropped the remote back onto your seat. You shook your head wandering over to the window. You pushed it open, allowing him to slip into the living room. "What the heck do you think you're doing scaring me half to death when all I want is to eat my hot cheese sandwiches in peace!?" You screeched, your heart still pounding.

Immediately you noticed how his breathing was uneven. "I..I.. I needed." Peter stuttered through his words. Completely out of breath. "I needed help." He finally spit out. "If May sees me like this she'll kill me."

You were about to question what he was talking about when he pulled the hood off his head. You let out an annoyed groan. Slapping him on the arm. "Quit getting yourself into fights, Parker! How many times do I have to worry about wether or not you're going to live! Did I ask you to give me a heart attack!? No! I did not! I did not give you an engraved invitation to come here, when I have the house to myself, and give me a heart attack!" You rambled on going to the bathroom and coming back with a first aid kit.

You gestured for him to take off his shirt. Hesitantly he did so. You sat next to him on the couch, fixing up the cuts and scrapes that littered his back. Then accessing the ones on his chest and stomach. Finally you cleaned up his black eyed face. "You've got some nerve coming here and scaring me! What happened to you for God's sake?"

He flinched as you put some disinfectant on a cut. "I got into a fight."

"Oh really? I thought you decided to go to the animal shelter!" He rolled his tired eyes at your sarcastic tone. "Did you hear that the Avengers were fighting about something in an airport? There was this one guy and he turned huge! And then there was Spiderman and he looked like a little baby compared to Captain America."

"He did?"

"Oh yeah. Completely defenseless. Why would Tony even drag in a kid into a fight like that!?"

Peter shrugged acting as if he didn't know. You offered him a sandwich which he gladly accepted. He put the movie back on after you'd finished patching him up. Good thing for him your mother was a nurse and taught you the basics of caring for injuries like this. You turned your attention to the TV leaning your head against his shoulder.

The credits began to roll when Peter woke up. He found your sleeping frame pressed against his. Your head comfortably on his chest. A small glimmer of a smile etched across his face before he fell asleep again. His arms wrapping around you gently.

T. Holland/P.Parker/ Spider-man imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now