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You walked into your apartment, after a long day at work. You shrugged off your jacket and hung it up along with your bag. Your feet dragged slowly as you walked into the kitchen. You grabbed a couple of cookies, satisfying your cravings.

You kicked off your shoes once you entered your bedroom. You looked up and let out a soft gasp. Peter was slumped against the wall, he didn't have shirt on, so all the scars on his arms and chest were on display. You quietly took in the partly messed up room. Finding a calender, that was supposed to be on the wall, ripped in two.

Feeling incredibly anxious and concerned you walked carefully to where Peter was. Gently you touched his face, running your thumb across an old and faded scratch. You noticed the tear stains that ran down his face. His brown and bloodshot eyes opened to meet yours.

You sat down in front of him, you smiled comfortingly. He let out a sigh and wrapped his arms around you. As he leaned against you, his forehead was pressed against your neck and shoulder. You ran your fingers through his messy hair. "What happened?" You asked softly. Not wanting to irritate him.

"Don't worry about it." His voice was hoarse and tired. "It's silly."

"Well to bad, I'm worrying about it. And if it upset you this much then it's not silly." Was your answer. He just replied with a heavy breath. Your eyes landed on the calender once again. It dawned on you what day it was. The day that his uncle Ben had died. You kissed the top of his head. "It's perfectly fine to still miss him."

"It's been years, and it stills feels like it's my fault." You were about to cut him off saying how that wasn't true but he kept on talking. "And it feels like it's my fault my parents left. And what if you leave me?" His voice broke.

"It's not your fault your parents left. They were trying to protect you. It's not your fault uncle Ben died either. There's nothing you could have done and that's perfectly okay. And I'm not going to leave you." You picked up and held his hand. Playing with silver ring on his finger. "Death do us part, remember? If I'm dying you're dying with me, ain't no choice."


"Yeah, um," you trailed off nervously. "I know this isn't the most ideal way to tell you." He pulled away from you. Scanning you with a worried look. "But, um, oh I thought this would be a lot easier to say. I'mgoingtohaveababy!"

"Wait. What?"

"I'm not leaving you anytime soon because we're going to be parents! I'm pregnant!"

He rubbed a hand over his face. Wrapping his arms around his stomach as he leaned back against the wall. Feeling incredibly nauseous. "Oh, god." He whispered. You noticed that he began shaking. "What if I'm a terrible dad?! Holy crap, what if I die before our baby comes into the world?! What if when you go into labor you both die?!"

You sighed, thinking. Well that freaking back fired. You moved so you were leaning against the wall and held onto his hand. "You're going to be a great father, we're going to live to see our great grandchildren, our baby isn't going to die either. I know you're going to be fine and make it 9 months. Look at all of these scars you have."

You pointed to one, "this is when you got shot," you pointed to another, "this is the one where you got stabbed," another, "where Captain America hit you with his shield when you were 15." You went on like this until he kissed your hand.

"Okay, I get it, I'm too stubborn to die." He carried you to your bed, then rested his head on your lap. "Y/N?"


"If we have a boy can we name him after uncle Ben?"

"I expected nothing else."

Why am I writing garbage!?

I hope this makes sense and it doesn't seem all over the place.

T. Holland/P.Parker/ Spider-man imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now