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You came downstairs to get food after your long nap. You didn't feel much better after sleeping for three hours but you were sure that with some food and tea in your stomach you'd be able to human better. You rubbed your eyes stepping off the last step, not paying any attention to where your dog was.

You vaguely heard the TV on but you thought nothing of it. So you just assumed that it was your father or annoying little brother watching something. You grabbed a bag of m&ms off the counter before coming back to the living room. You plopped on the couch next to your dog, she crawl across your lap, pinning you to the couch with no escape.

Seconds later a young boy maybe in his late teens walked into the living room. Your eyes widened and your heart raced. Your dog stood on your lap, cocking her head to the side before jumping up and attacking him with jumps and licks. He laughed as he fell to the ground.

Well thank you aren't you great protection you thought to yourself. "Who the heck are you!?" You shrieked grabbing the nearby remote, ready to throw it. He looked to you from the floor smiling.

"You've got a bunch of great games on your PS4." He said with a British accent. Your heart hammered against your chest as you thought about how long he must be here. You wanted nothing more for him to leave but the next thing you knew you were playing dance revolution.

And you were both equally good.

Exhausted, you fell to the floor. He smiled in victory, pumping his fists.

"Y/N!? WE'RE HOME WITH YOUR SISTER!" That was your father yelling as he made his way into the house.

"I GOT PIZZA!" your mother yelled soon behind your father. You sat up, as to not be ran over by your dog.

"Oh hey Tom!" Your brother in law smiled, pulling him into a bro hug. You sat there in shock. Your brother in law knew this intruder.

"Shut your mouth Y/n you're drooling over Tom." Your older sister said. You shut your gaping mouth, standing up to be face her. "Although, I don't blame ya. He is pretty cute."

"You all know him, and yet none of you thought to tell me that'd there be this stranger in the house when I woke up looking like a zombie?!" Everybody nodded in agreement with mouthfuls of pizza.

"If you wanted me to leave I would've waited outside. Although the dance off was pretty great." You blushed wanting to bang your head against the wall. As your brother who was 16 years old acted as if he was 6 began to say.


Howdy! I'm Krispycentral and you're *does Disney channel Mickey ears* reading my fanfic. I'm just updating to go with my new username and uh also some ✨fun✨ information for you all I started this book purely because of my bestie at the time since there was severely limited Tom Holland and his version of Spider-Man fics out. This was originally created in 2016 through 2017 so I hope you continue reading I ADORE comments so please don't be shy!!

Your friendly neighborhood fanfic writer- Krispycentral 🥰

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