Peter/ PT 2

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aye lets do this *cracks knuckles* warning extreme crap ahead

You tried your best to pay attention to Ms. Frizzle as she taught science class. She was having the class choose who they wanted to do a report on. You were torn between Howard Stark and Bruce Banner. You glanced over to Peter to see what he thought. But you were easily distracted when you noticed he was just watching clips from the airport fight.

You squinted, slightly baffled. Where did he get those shots?! They weren't in the news, on YouTube, anywhere. "Peter!" Ms. Frizzle called from the front of the class room. He immediately paused the video, paying attention.

"Yea, yeah?"

"You and Y/N have to pick which scientist you want to do a report on."

Stark or banner you whispered to him. He rubbed a hand over his face. "I, uh, um, is, is, Howard Stark okay?" He asked, you nodded, as did the teacher. You chewed on your lip as Peter hit play on the screen. Going back to the video he was watching. He usually always payed attention in class. Especially science. Considering it was his favorite.

You didn't get to see Peter for the rest of school, considering you had different teachers. After school you met up with Manuel and Peter. "Wanna hang out? We can work on our project." Peter offered to you and Manuel. Each of you nodded in agreement. He gave you the time, saying he needed to do his chores before his aunt would even consider allowing him to have you guys over.

You got there and it was just you and Manuel. "Where's Peter?" You asked, dropping your bag on the ground.

"I don't know." Both of you let out a sigh. Peter kept disappearing without letting you know why. For the next hour you talked about star wars, star trek, and how much you hated school. You excused yourself to use the toilet.

You came back and opened the door. "What happened to the deathstar!?" You exclaimed, you just finished adding the few touches. And now it was a pile of rubble on the floor. You looked up to find Peter half naked.  "YOU'RE-" your voice raised, attempting to not start yelling. "OH my God!" You shut the door behind you.

"Dude, he was on the ceiling!"

"What!?" You screeched. You looked at Peter smacking him on the arm. "What!?" You hit him again.

"It's a costume."

"That's not a costume! You were on the freaking wall!"

"Don't worry about it."

"Oh, yeah. It's no biggie. I'm just Spider-Man. I've just been shot in the leg. Broke a few ribs. Got beat up by Captain America. And nearly got myself killed." You mocked, "but yeah. No. Don't freaking worry. It's not a flipping problem. I just didn't tell my friends that I'm the spider kid. In spandex that I got from my aunt May's old 80s clothes."

"Nuh uh, Mister stark made this for me."

"YOU KNOW TONY STARK!?" Manuel got excited. You just stood, arms crossed, fighting the urge to not punch him again. You face palmed.

Peter stuttered over his words. Getting much to anxious about how to explain everything. "Go put normal clothes on." You threw a random shirt on his head. Once he changed and the two of you settled down. He did his best to explain everything.

You sat up on the bed, propping yourself up with your arms. "Okay. Yeah. I mean. Ugh. I get it, ya know, being a huge geek and everything. Not wanting to tell people incase they get in the way. But what if you just go off on one of your walks and don't come back!? And then we find out spider child is dead!?"

"That's not going to happen."

"You went out with Iron man." Manuel was still happy about that.

"Yeah, and Tony Stark has nearly died how many times!?"

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you!"

"Why!? So I wouldn't worry over your health!? Peter! You parents left you and then died. Your uncle just passed away. You got bitten by a spider and now you're out on a suicide mission! Of course I'm going to worry! Nobody can handle all that crap in such a short amount of time!" Manuel just nodded along, agreeing with what you were going in about.

Peter just looked away as he continued to get lectured by you. "You know I'm older than you, right?"

"Yeah." You said slowly. "So does that mean that I get to become the official Spider-Man fangirl trash number 1?" Peter just laughed.

"You should get a shirt." Manuel said, being completely serious.

"Yeah we should each get one. Fanboy and fangirl trash number 1." Peter stiffled a laugh at how quickly you changed from lecturing him to wanting a tee shirt.

"We should become his team. I can find out where things are happening and you can patch him up when he gets his butt handed to him."

Peter pouted. "Oh c'mon!" He whined.

"Wait. So would Tony help us with our essay since we are going over his father?"


T. Holland/P.Parker/ Spider-man imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now