Peter/Behind my eyelids are islands of violence

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I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE 500000000 YEARS FORGIVE MEH PLZ.... also i'm sorry for such a long title, i'm listening to Twenty one pilots..

Peter fell to the ground with a thud, gasping for air and clutching his head, writhing in pain all over. Tony was by his side faster than anyone could blink. Both of the hero's helmets/masks were off their heads, even though it was in the middle of a heated war. 

"I'm, I'm sorry sorry mister, mister Stark."Peter stuttered out in a whisper, his vision nearing darkness. Tony held his head, gently. Something a father would do when their kid was bubbling with tears when they got hurt would do. 

"Peter, hey, hey, hey, no, come on. Keep those eyes open! Look at me kid! Peter!"

"Mister Stark," FRIDAY spoke, "He has died."

"No." Tony snapped out bitterly at the robotic AI.

"Sir, his vitals are not coming up."

"NO!" Tony jostled Peter's lifeless body before clutching him tightly to himself. "PETER!" Tony's broken anguished scream echoed loudly. Hot, fat, tears started to stream from his eyes. "PETER!" He screamed out again, this time it came out sounding much more broken due to his sobs. 

Stephen Strange and Steve raced over to the two. Steve had to fight to get Tony to let go of the teenage boy, so Stephen could try to do anything he could to save him. Wanda stopped a few feet short of them, appearing to have frozen mid step. Stephen pumped Peters chest hard, trying his best to get the young boy's heart going again.

"I can't feel his presence." Wanda whispered to herself in shock. "No! Stop it! Stop!" She fought Dr. Strange away from Peters body. "HE'S GONE!" She screamed in pain. Most everyone heard that. Causing them all to freeze, their hearts to skip a beat.

Scott and Clint patted the parts of their suits that held a picture of their children. Solemnly Clint walked over to the lot of them, pulling Wanda into a tight hug. "He killed my son!" Tony sobbed, his knees giving out. Everyone just seemed to stop, a moment of silence for the boy who still had his whole life ahead of him.

A moment of silence for the boy who was only 16.

A moment of silence for the boy who should have been stressed about school and girl problems instead of being burdened with the weight of the world.

A moment of silence for the fallen hero who was more selfless than any of them at that age, or ever would be in their entire lives.

"Hey Tony," Rhodey's voice came through Tony's helmet, "We could use some back up over here. Where did you all go?" Still in shock Tony numbly put his helmet back on.

"We're coming and we're going to give barney hell." 

"We've already been doing that."

"No. We haven't given him anything yet, that meta plum killed my Peter. So we're going to end him." And if it wasn't an infinity war before.. Well it definitely was one now. 

Once everyone had joined back up Tony went with Rhodes to fight, Stephen with Banner, and Wanda, Clint, Nat, and Scott all joined back up together. "Gettin' sleepy?" Steve asked Thor and Bucky.

"Nah, I've had more than enough sleep." Was Bucky's reply.

"Are you?" Was Thor's, "Where did the seven of you go?"

"Yeah, where's that spider twerp?" Before they could get their answers from Steve they got their answers from Wanda. As she fell to her knees it was like deja vu to the Avengers who were there for the battle of Sokovia. But this time not only did one of her powerful and deadly blasts go out but also a telepathic message. 

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