Tom/PB goes with Jelly

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You had grown up with Harrison and Tom. Harrison was one of your closet friends and Tom was your crush growing up. So it was no shock when Harrison figured it out that you had a crush on his best mate. When alone, he would tease you, doing his best to make you blush, and he would say just the most absurd things about Tom to fluster you.

For a little while, while they were visiting home for a few weeks, the three of you hung out and catched up. You still had a crush on Tom. Though it was completely hidden. No one, not your parents, siblings, or your other best friend knew about you ever having a crush on Tom.

Yet somehow. No matter how well you'd gotten at hiding your feelings for him. Harrison still figured it out that you had a crush on him. Well, it wasn't a crush anymore. It wasn't lust or desire. It was love. But you never said anything about that seeing as he had a girlfriend.

Harrison was at your flat. He just came over to take a nap. "I know you still like Tom." He said causally, as he flipped onto your couch. Pulling a duvet over himself. You cursed, then began to beat him senseless with a pillow. He just giggled.

"How do you know!?" You questioned upset. He popped his head of of the blanket, like a squirrel.

"You're still really quiet around him!" You opened your mouth to say something but he continued talking. "I'll be taking no more questions at this time. This is my nap time."

While on the plane back to America. Harrison just talked Tom's ear off. Talking about you for the whole flight. Bringing you up any way he could. "Right!" Tom snapped, "I get it you fancy her."

"Well yeah," he lied. You were like his little sister. "Who wouldn't. She's turned into a fine bird." Tom rolled his eyes. Annoyed that Harrison seemed to fancy you, cause truth was. Tom had fallen for you that visit. Harrison knew that too. He was just doing his best to make Tom jealous.

And he was definitely succeeding.

A few days later you and Harrison were skyping. And Harrison kept doing everything he could to piss off Tom. He was doing an outstanding job at this. If this was a sport Harrison would have won all the golden medals in the world. In a huff Tom slammed Harrison's laptop closed. "Will you knock it off! You're driving me mad!"

"What am I doing?" He played innocent. "I was just talking to Y/N."

"That's exactly what's making me bonkers. I fancy her and I'm pretty sure you know that!"

Harrison shrugged. "I thought you had a girlfriend."

"Oh piss off. You know we broke up."

Harrison fought the urge to break down in a laughing fit. Of course he knew. He knew everything. You spoke up. The call never ended. Due to the laptop not being completely shut. "You know, I heard Peanut butter goes great with Jelly." Tom cursed causing Harrison to laugh so hard he cried.

After 8 minutes of Harrison potentially dying. He finally calmed down. "OI!" He shouted. "MATE!" He yelled for Tom. Trying to get him to come back. "HOW IS IT THAT I CAN FEEL THE TENSION BETWEEN YOU TWO AND YOU'RE IN COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COUNTRIES!?"

I think imma make a part 2 later. But I'm really sleepy. So night everyone!

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