Tom/ Wake up with Amensia

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Your parents led you up the flight of stairs to reach your flat. "You don't need to keep babying me," you told your mother, "it was only a bump on the head. I didn't even get stitches!" She rolled her eyes completely annoyed that you were just as stubborn as your father.

When you​ got to your flat two teenage boys were standing by the door. "Y/n!" They shouted happily, scaring you. You flinched and looked at them like they were ghosts. They just looked back at you blankly.

"Who are you?"

"Ouch." Harrison muttered under his breath. Tom's eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"Your best mates." Him and your mother said at once. You turned around to her, a quizzical look on your face.

"Maybe you're the one with the bumped head. I've never seen these people before." Your mother glared at you, thinking you were joking. Then she realized that you were dead serious. That this was the amensia the doctor was talking about. Her face fell and she sighed quietly.

"Very funny," Harrison said, thinking you were being your sarcastic self. Thinking that you wanted a reaction out of the two of them.

"I, I'm gonna go." Tom muttered, he couldn't stand the thought of you not remembering them. So he fled.

Years later your memory cleared up a bit. Your mother had to explain that you were best friends with the blond and the pretty brutnett. Although you couldn't remember your friendship so the three of you had to start all over. From scratch for you, to make you feel comfortable once again.

You were thankful that they were ever willing to take baby steps. And although they didn't know it, it pained you that they were so kind. And loving. And caring. And the fact that Harrison acted like your brother. And how you were internally dying inside because of this ever growing crush on Tom. The list went on really.

You'd been face timing the boys at the airport. They were joking around about something you'd did years ago that you'd completely forgotten about. Nonetheless you still yelled at them for teasing you. The two of them flinched, they were sharing earbuds and you just destroyed their hearing.

Tom buggered off to go use the toilet before they had to board their plane, back to America so they could do more films. "Y/N/N. Earth to Y/N. What are you doing?" You snapped back to reality, mumbling something under your breath.

"I hate you both." You told Harrison​.

"What'd we do this time?"

"You two made me remember everything that I'd forgotten."

"Well it's about bloody time."

"No you blithering ninny, you don't understand."

"Well if you explained it.... Wait. Does this remembering have to do with Tom?" He asked you, an eyebrow raised. You refused to look at the camera. "It does, oh, my god. I thought you'd be over that."

"I got to go. Tell him nothing or I'll strangle you."

"Can you even reach my neck."

"Do you honestly want me to try?"

"No.." he quickly hung up on you. Part of you wanted to race dramatically to the airport. However you were wise enough to know that you'd never make it. They'd be on their flight, and you'd be left behind. You eagerly looked up the next flight that you'd be able to afford which happened to be a little over a week from now.

You booked it instantly. Although your stomach was going over and your hands were shaking you tried to ignore it and just focus on what needed to be done. What needed to be said.

Once touched down in America. You were ever  relieved to know that your jet lag actually wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be. (I'm just winging it and assuming that they're filming his part in America)  you hailed a taxi and within a brief couple hours you arrived at the gates of Marvel's infinity war. You took a deep breath, you knew this was it.

And that you were about to do something incredibly stupid.

"Name?" The guard asked you, you gave him your name. "It's not on the list, please leave." He told you shortly.

"I'm here to see Tom's Holland." You tried desperately.

"So are many others. Didn't let any of them pass through either."

"Well can I speak to Harrison Osterfield?"


"I know them both,"

"Could you at least try to come up with some more original to entertain me?"

"I swear on my life I know those boys. Just call the set I'll prove it." The guard decided nothing to horribly wrong could go wrong, so he called the set and asked to speak to Harrison. He put it on speaker from inside the booth so you could still hear.

"Mister Osterfield, there is a young woman who is claiming in her life," he used your own words, "that she knows you and Mister Holland. She says her name is Y/N L/N."

"Hang on." Was all Harrison​ said before hanging up. The guard just looked confused and you remained put, determined to see your boys. About a minute later you saw Harrison sprinting across the pavement to get to the gate. He stopped on the other side.

"Well let her in,"

"She doesn't have clearance." Harrison cursed, waving you closer. You got out the cab, taking your surprisingly light bag with you. You had already paid the driver so he drove off. Harrison put his badge around your neck. The guard rolled his eyes saying that he didn't get paid enough for this and let you through.

"Now I can't let you on set. I'll probably get taken out by a marvel Sniper. But you can wait in Tom's trailer." He swung an arm around you happily, "what are you doing here anyways?"

"Probably making a huge mistake." Was your answer. He chuckled and you climbed up the steps.

"It'll just be a bit." Apparently a bit turned into a few hours. But you passed the time by taking a nap. A loud shocked scream woke you up completely. You muttered a surprise, waving your hands in the air.

"What are you doing here?! Does Harrison know about this!?"

"Yeah, yeah, he let me in. I didn't jump the fence and out run the tasers." You stood up and Tom hugged you tightly, extremely excited that you were here. "You know, I remember that stupid question that I never gave you an answer to."

He pulled away, a confused expression on his face. "What was it?"

"Oh God," you took a deep breath. You didn't come all the way here for nothing. "I, I remembered that you said you'd be my first date if I wanted to go on one."

"You came all the way here for that?"

"No. I also came for this." You kissed him, taking him by shock. Harrison opened the trailer door.

"Okay, that's gross. And second it's about time!" Then he slammed the door, leaving the two of you alone. Tom giggled and you blushed.

"Right then, I'll take you in that date now. On one condition."

You raised an eyebrow, "what is it?"

"You agree to be my wife." You cursed at him and he laughed. "Well, I suppose it is a bit sudden," he scratched his neck sheepishly, "I just know I've wanted to be with you since before you were in that accident. I was planning on asking you to be mine when I found out you were in the hospital." He rambled on.

"I'll agree to both." He kissed your cheek,

"Lemme change out of my Spidey suit then we can go." You nodded, walking outside to get some air. Harrison backed away from the trailer acting as if he hadn't just been listening. Tom was out in a flash.

"So. What kind of ring are you thinking about?" Harrison asked and you giggled, holding Tom's hand. "And by the way, I totally approve of this."

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