Tom: Fangirls will be Fangirls

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You picked your daughter up so she could see the yummy pastries. "They all look yummy, mommy!" She sighed hiding her face behind her hands. This would be by far the hardest decision a five year old would ever have to make. "This is to hard!" She wrapped her arms around your neck, resting her head on your shoulder.

You smiled, picking out which one you wanted, allowing her to have more time to make up her little mind. "You can have two." You finally decided.

"But there's so many mommy!" Eventually after what felt like a lifetime and the hardest choice of her life she settled on a blueberry muffin and a death by chocolate cookie. You sat her on the marble counter top, getting your wallet out. You got distracted by how adorable she looked as she watched the coffee being made.

You were about to give the lady behind the counter your credit card when a voice behind you stopped you. "I'll get it." A British accent said, you gasped and turned around.

"No, No- oh my." You covered your mouth behind your hand. Tom beamed, receiving his change back. "I, uh, thank you." You stuttered out, a light blush covering your cheeks. Which easily turned into a roaring red as he winked.

"It made my day to see two sisters-" your little girl climbed onto your back.

"She's my mommy!" She said protectively, trying to give an intimidating look. Doing her best to copy her aunt's facial expression but failing just as you've always done.

"Well then your husband must be very proud." He told you with a soft smile. It faltered only for a second.

"Oh gosh, I'm not married." You started to feel overwhelmed, "I adopted her." He was about to say something when your daughter interrupted again.

"Mama, I wanna sit over there!" She pointed to the high stools by the window. You grabbed the two bags of pastries and Tom beat you to pick up your coffee. You set the bags down then helped Riley onto the high chair. "Can I have some coffee?" She batted her eyelashes. Which of course you immediately agreed to.

"Just a little," you said, going to go get a straw. When you came back Tom had said that there was something on your coffee cup before he headed out back to his car. You turned it around,

Caution your hot. Was the only thing readable because he had marked everything else off. But the sprawled penmanship was what really caught your eye. It was his name and his phone number. With a little note that said, call me 😏

It had felt like a lifetime until you reached home, your daughter ran in through the large door. "AUNTY KRISPY!" She shouted as you slammed the door while you also called for your best friend. "KRIS, HOLY COW, KRIS?!"

She ran out in a bathrobe, her hair crazy with suds. "WHAT?!" She shouted back over the two of you shouting, "WHO DIED?!" she wiped some water from her brow. You both watched as Riley bounced around the room around the two of you, singing her favorite word. K-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i.

You let our a fangirl scream, tears blurring your vision. "For God's sakes," she muttered impatiently, "I nearly died in the middle of my shower cause I thought y'all were dying and now ya won't even tell me what's going on!?"

"I, date," you wheezed, thrusting the cup in her direction. She took it from you, her mouth practically dropping to the ground. She fought back a curse.

"TOM HOLLAND GAVE YOU HIS NUMBER?!" She shouted loudly. You nodded beaming from ear to ear. She snapped her fingers and winked. "Well ain't cha glad I told you to change before you left."



"Okay, okay,"

"Good." And with that she turned on her heel to go back to the shower.


That night your two best friends sat on your bed along with your daughter. "Oh my god, I dunno what to wear."

"Alright huneh, that's what we're here for. Kris go get a few outfits. Riley honey, you can get some shoes for mommy. Now come sit," your friend patted the space, "I'll do your makeup." And so the four of you waited very impatiently until he came to pick you up.

You opened the door to find Tom standing there with a grin, while also wearing a blue button up and a pair of jeans. "Ready?" He asked and you nodded.

"Wait!" Riley shouted, running over to you. She hugged your legs, "promise to put me to bed?"

You knelt down and wrapped your pinky around hers, "promise." He was a true gentleman and the two of you just laughed the night away. Getting burgers and milkshakes and going to the beach was what your night entailed.

After being out for three hours you thought it'd be best to head on home. So he walked you to the door. Before you even got there it swung open. "Mommy!" She cheered, "We watched a bunch of Spider-Man movies!" Tom chuckled.

"Think I'm a good Spider-Man?" He asked her.

She looked up at him and crossed her arms. "It depends on how you treated my mommy."

T. Holland/P.Parker/ Spider-man imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now