Tom/ baby Beluga

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You sat quietly on the ground, a tear rolling down your cheek.

One tear was followed by a flood. You had somehow befriended Tom. Not being able to remember how, and actually became pretty good friends. You bit your lip trying not to sob. You had been texting him, it'd been going good. Well until you had said something.

Y/N - I have a really big crush on Tom. He's so sweet and cute. And he's funny. He's augh.

You meant to send that to your best friend since you were also texting her at the same time but instead it actually​ sent to Tom.

Tom - Bye

This was it. You finally told the guy of your dreams how you felt. And he just left you. This definitely wasn't how you planned it. In a panick you called your best friend, something you hardly did unless it was serious. "I thought you said he'd like me. I actually thought I was good enough for him the way I am. I didn't," you sniffled, "think I'd have to change my appearance for him to like me. You made me believe that."

"Whoa. Okay. Slow your roll." Your friends panicked voice reached your ears. "What the crap happened Batman?!"

You took a deep sigh. Trying not to starting sobbing again. "I told Tom that I liked him."

"Great! When's the wedding?"

"Y/F/N you don't understand! He didn't respond he just said bye! He just left me on read! This is it I am done. Forever alone. How many cats is to many cats?"

"If you'll please stay on hold," your friend said scarily calm. "While I go beat the crap out of him for being a complete jerk! How dare he! Fight me tommo!" Needless to say, she angrily called him up and verbally smacked him upside the head.

"Wait, what? What do you mean she said she liked me?" Tom hurried to check his texts. There he was the new message that didn't come through until after he had sent bye. He cursed. "Wait! She likes me?!" He asked a bit to excitedly.

"Well right now she kinda hates you!"

"Do you think I can fix this?"

"Well duh."

An hour later he showed up outside your house, with a bunch of bags of your favorite candies and a box of pizza. Anxiously he rang the doorbell repeatedly until you finally answered the door considering no one else was home. Your eyes were swollen, puffy, and red. Your nose was red and sore from how many times you blew your nose. Your hair was a mess.

You were in an over sized sweater. And a pair of shorts.


He started apologizing profusely. (His momma didn't raise no fool) His accent just kept getting thicker until you almost couldn't understand a word he said. You pulled your lip into your mouth and you just looked so adorable with your sweater paws.

His mouth formed into an O shape. "Don't move!" He dashed out of your house back to his car. Awkwardly you stayed put. Wondering what was going to happen now. It couldn't be much worse than it already was. Right?

A beautiful little schnauzer puppy slid into the kitchen where you were. You felt more tears prick your eyes. You sat down on the floor and put the puppy in your lap. Curiously​ he licked your face, his little tail wagging hard. "Oh my gosh," you repeated over and over. "I'm going to cry. Oh my god. You're so cute. My heart!" A few tears escaped.

You suddenly remembered that Tom was still there. Well after the puppy went to explore the rest of the house. He helped you off the ground with ease. "I'm glad you adore 'im. Y/F/N said that you were ready for another dog."

"Wait! He's mine?!" You wrapped your arms around his torso, beaming from ear to ear. He hugged you back just as tight, resting his hand on your soft hair.

"Y/N," you pulled away to look at him. "I was hoping I could also be yours too."


"I want to be your boyfriend." In shock you cursed. You weren't expecting that. He just giggled, finding you even more adorable.

You played with the ring on your hand.

"Tom, do you really like me?" You were cuddling on the couch, you rested your head on his shoulder, suddenly feeling insecure.

"Obviously." He answered quickly, still watching the movie.

You sat up and he paused the movie. "I'm being serious."

He looked at you confused. What was wrong? Did he screw up? Were you testing him? "I was being truthful." He stated, looking you in the eye.

"You like me even though I don't work out like you do?" His face clearly showed his confusion. His mouth parted.

"Why would your weight matter? What's wrong?" You looked away, clenching the soft plush blanket in your hands. Gently he forced you to look back at him.


"You asked me a question and I told you the truth. I need to ask you another question and you have to answer it."

"Okay." You replied quietly, wondering anxiously what it was going to be. He held your hand, rubbing circles on the back of it with his thumb.

"Will you marry me?" You blushed a deep red. You nodded your head as a yes.

"Took you long enough to ask." You thought he was going to push about why you were feeling insecure. You let out a sigh of relief. "Sure."

"I'll have you know I'm taking that as a yes. And you can't​ back out. I won't let you." He slid the ring on your finger, pulled you back into his side. Kissed your lips and then quickly kissed you on your temple and hit play.

You stood up and walked into the living room, where Tom was reading a new script. You wrung your hands together nervously. "Tom?"

"Yes," he looked up to you, sitting the papers down, "my love?"

"I'm pregnant." He moved so fast it took you moment to realize he was hugging you and spinning you around. He stopped once he started getting dizzy. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you closed your eyes and leaned against him.

You opened your eyes and looked at him. Happy tears were running down his face. "We're really going to have a family?" He asked softly. You nodded, feeling a lump in your throat.

*Idk, I know nothing about being preggers so whenever you're preggers enough to know the gender*

You walked into a lavender colored room. You sat on the table thingy, and Tom stood by your side. "How long have you been married?" The doctor asked, sitting on the stool.

"Six years!" Tom answered happily. You smiled, holding his hand.

"Ever talked about what you'd like to have?" She put the cold gel on your stomach.

"I want a girl." Tom beamed, he wanted a baby girl to protect. Although, of course he'd protect your baby boy the same. He just really wanted a girl!

"I want to be done being preggers." You stated, feeling queasy. Suddenly your baby's heartbeat filled the room. You both started crying.

"There's your baby." The doctor said pointing on the screen, she printed out a few copies of the image. "It's a girl!"

"Can we make her Riley?" Tom asked you excitedly.

"We just found out we're having a girl and you already have name?"

"I've had one since we got married." You giggled. You married a huge dork.




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