Chapter 1

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The last two weeks for me have been spent desperately trying to hang out with Rayne every chance I got and despite the difficulties it was good spending time with my sister. University was becoming a problem so yesterday was our last chance to hang out and we spent it watching chick flicks.

Harry's been distant. We haven't as much kissed on the lips. Is this what it feels to drift apart or is there more to the story? I don't know and even if there is I won't be able to find out from him.

My phone started ringing so I rummaged through the living room finally finding it under the couch. It was Zayn.

"Hello Zayn" He lightly laughed at my greeting

"Hello Emily. The boys and I were wondering if you and Harry would like to join us for dinner?"

"Yeah sure um let me see if I can find him. I'll call you back after I talk to him?"

"Sounds good"

"Okay bye" I hung up before walking into our room. Harry was watching some cartoon with Lilah and didn't bother to look my way as I entered.

"The boys want to know if you and I would get dinner with them?"

"I'm not feeling well you can go with them" I sighed then shut the tv and stood in front of it with my arms folded.

"What the hell Emily?"

"Oh sorry I didn't realize spongebob was more important than your girlfriend!"

"What is your deal?"

"No Harry what is your deal? You've been avoiding me for weeks now and I don't know what I ever did to you! You won't go out with me! You won't look at me! Is this your way of trying to break up with me?" My voice cracked as I glared at this shirtless asshole laying in front of me.

"You're just overreacting! Calm down!"

"Don't tell me to calm down Harry! Is something wrong? Have I done something to you?"

"No! It's not that!"

"Then what is it?!"

"It's nothing!"

"That's what you say when you don't want to tell me something! I'm not stupid why won't you tell me?!"


"Because why?!"

"Because it's none of your goddamn business!" He rose his voice over mine scaring me. Tears rolled down my cheek as I slammed the door walking into the living room.

I texted Zayn to pick me up and within a few minutes he was here. I ran out of there as fast as possible.

"What happened are you okay?"

"Yeah Harry and I just got in a fight" I wiped my tears and quickly stopped crying thankfully.

"Oh do you want to talk about it?"

"He just..he hasn't been talking to me at all then he yelled at me and I was just trying to work things out I don't understand what I did wrong" More tears pooled out of my eyes even though I desperately tried to stop them.

"I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong Em maybe Harry's just being difficult"

"I don't know things have been so distant these few weeks and it's scaring me"

"Well just don't think about him for tonight okay? Eleanor will be there" I smiled knowing that I'd have a friend to help with this. Maybe she'll know what to do.

We arrived at the restaurant and I gave myself a few minutes to calm down. My eyes were red but hadn't had enough time to grow puffy.

"You sure you're okay?" Zayn asked before we stepped out the car. I nodded following him inside. I plastered the biggest fake smile on for the paparazzi so they wouldn't ask too many questions about why I was crying and why Harry wasn't with me.

We walked over to the boys table and they each greeted me with a hug.

"Em are you okay?" Louis asked

"Um not really..Harry and I got in a fight" The boys and El gasped then asked what happened

"What? You guys are perfect though" Eleanor said

"He's just been really distant since the party and it's very uncomfortable. I tried talking to him but it didn't go well"

"I'm sure things will get better maybe it's just a phase or maybe you guys need a break?" Liam suggested

"Yeah I guess" As much as the words hurt, Liam was right.

"Well I'm sure talking about it isn't helping so let's eat" Niall smiled and so did I.

The rest of the night was lovely except the growing hole in my stomach. I felt sick like something bad was going to happen. I could feel it. El pulled me outside with concerned eyes.

"Hey you okay?"

"I don't know I just I want to talk to him but I don't want him to yell at me again"

"Maybe he won't Emily maybe he feels bad so it will work out when you talk"

"Can I stay at your place tonight?"

"No you are going to talk about it and have make up sex I promise" I laughed at her silly assumption.

"What if it doesn't work out?"

"Then you can stay at my place"

"Thank you" I hugged her before her next question

"Do you want me to drive you over there?"

"Yes please" I said goodbye to all the boys and thanked them for dinner. They all wished me good luck and told me everything would be fine but the pit in my stomach disagreed. El drove me back to the apartment and my hands were sweaty.

"Don't be nervous Em you guys know how to deal with these things"

"Thank you El"

"Call me if you need anything!"

"I will!"


Hii! So I decided a sequel would be fun since I had like 60 chapters on Last First Kiss. It's basically just continuing LFK so don't stop reading and voting!!!


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