Chapter 36

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"Finally we get some alone time" Harry said practically pulling me on the bed with him. I just got out of the shower and I was only in a towel.

"Harry we can't do anything we have dinner in like thirty minutes"

"Please I've missed you so much and we've barely had any contact" He was literally begging me but I wasn't complaining I guess.

"Okay fine I still have to get ready though" He immediately crashed his lips on mine falling on top of me. The towel was ripped from around my body and I quickly took the gym shorts and tank top off of him leaving him in only boxers.

We made out a while longer before he pulled a condom out of his suitcase. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I was met with the familiar contact of being completely wrapped around him. The whole session lasted maybe three or four minutes so nobody would ever notice but to us those minutes were purely heaven on earth.

I haven't even gotten to talk to him very much because they've been busy with rehearsals and I've obviously had school.

"That quick run was fun we should do it more often" He winked and I blushed as I went to pull my towel over me.

"You're so dirty what happened to my 16 year old Harry"

"He got tattoos and turned really hot"

"Well you're not wrong there" He pecked my lips holding it there for a few seconds before pulling away. "What happened to the 15 year old Emily that was too scared to go outside when it was dark unless she was with me?"

"Nothing has changed there" I laughed walking over to my suitcases when I realized they were down at the bus. "Shit"

"What's wrong?"

"All my stuff is in the bus"

"Looks like you'll just have to stay naked forever"

"No looks like I'll have to call Eleanor and ask her for me to bring me something" He groaned and continued putting new clothes on. I picked up my phone and dialed Eleanor's number.

"Dude what the hell just happened in your room?" Her tone wasn't rude but it was one of those shocked yet amused tones. Did she hear Harry and I? Lord I hope not.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about! 'Oh Harryyy'" She mocked causing me to freeze with embarrassment.


"You guys were having sex weren't you? I caught you"

"Who was having sex?" Louis's voice echoed in the background. Damn it.

"Eleanor don't say-"

"Emily and Harry" She cut me off. I pictured her with a wide grin on her face.

"I hate you"

"You guys are adorable honestly one day I'm going to be the aunt of your little munchkins"

"Nobody is having any munchkins anytime soon"

"Whatever you say"

"How did you even hear?"

"Lou and I's room is right next to yours and the walls aren't soundproof for couples that want to make a lot of noise" She giggled.

"Eleanor you need a therapist"

"Love you babe so why'd you call?"

"All of my stuff is still in the bus can you bring me something to wear?"

"Yeah what do you need?"

"Um surprise me I don't care and don't forget makeup"

"I'm like the queen of makeup I would never forget" I hung up then went in the bathroom to start drying my hair. Halfway through drying it there was a knock at the door.

"Harry can you get that!" I heard him say something back but I couldn't understand it so I finished drying my hair.

"El brought your clothes" Harry said while styling his hair into his ginormous quiff.

"Thanks. When is the last time you cut your hair? It's so long" I examined the length and it was 10 times longer than it was when he visited me in New York.

"I don't know but I like it this way"

"You look like a girl now all you need is some boobs" I changed into the outfit that Eleanor brought me and it was a maroon silk dress that had a neckline that went up to my collarbone. There was a black belt that tied around my waist and black pumps. She brought me my pearl necklace, earrings, and bracelet. Looks like we're going to a fancy restaurant.

"Do not"

"Yes you do"

"I do not"

"Yes you-" He cut me off by pulling me close to him and kissing me of course. This cliché little popstar. I pulled away because I still had to curl my hair and do my makeup and there was no time to be kissing anymore.

"I have to get ready" I finished putting on my jewelry then started curling my hair.

"What time are we leaving?"

"What time is it now?"

"It's 8"

"Well then probably soon" I took pieces of my hair and wrapped them around the heated stick until they all were in loose curls. I quickly did my makeup until someone knocked on our door.

"We're leaving!" Gemma shouted from the hall. I finished off my mascara and Harry and I met them in the hallway going to the elevator.

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