Chapter 41

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The last few days have been amazing with the concerts and everything. Eleanor and Louis eventually worked things out but it wasn't until yesterday where they officially got back together. Today is Sunday and the boys aren't performing until Tuesday I think.

We're on the tour bus now just driving to the next venue. It's 11 and most everyone is still sleeping so I'm just watching random reality shows on tv. Soon I'm interrupted by the ringtone of my phone. Ugh. I rolled off the couch in search for it until I found it. The caller ID name was Management. Yay for me.


"Emily your graduation is tomorrow! You will shortly be getting on a plane to Cheshire. You leave at noon and the flight is 7 hours long so you will arrive at Cheshire at 7 tonight. Then tomorrow the rehearsals are for 1 and the ceremony/reception is from 2-5. And then back to South America! Paul has all your tickets so just pack up!" She didn't even give me time to speak before hanging up. Lovely. I had one hour to wake up eight people and make them pack suitcases. Although they won't need many clothes since it's just one day.

I sighed opening the door that led to the beds. You could hear soft snores from everyone but that unfortunately had to come to an end.

"Alright everybody up we have a plane to catch!" Multiple groans echoed through the small space.



"It's too early"

"What's for breakfast?" They all tiredly asked questions.

"Guys we have to be in Cheshire by tomorrow for my graduation! And we'll pick up McDonalds or something" Soon Eleanor, Harry, Gemma, and Liam easily got out of their bunks. Then eventually the rest were up except for Zayn.

"Zayn get up!"

"No" He buried his head under the pillows a refused to get up.



"Fine I know what will wake you up" I stepped out of the room and opened up my contacts on my phone to search for Perrie's. I started a facetime call and soon her bright blonde hair showed up on screen.

"Hey Em rehearsals are almost starting so can you make it quick?"

"Yeah I need a small favor"

"Sure anything"

"Can you help me wake up Zayn?" She laughed but I placed the screen in front of Zayn's sleeping face.

"Zayn babe wake up"

"Perrie is that you?" He tried fixing his hair but it didn't help.

"Yeah now get up and do what Emily tells you!" She commanded.

"I miss you"

"I miss you too babe"

"Hi Perrie!" Harry said in the background followed by everyone else in the room.

"Hey guys I miss you all!" She smiled through the camera.

"We miss you too Perrie!"

"I love you Zayn"

"I love you too Perrie" Wow that was like the most adorable thing ever.

"Bye guys!"

"Bye Perrie!" I hung up and then eventually Zayn got out of bed.

"Praise Jesus you're up"

"Very funny" He smirked entering the bathroom.

"Okay boys out we're changing!" Eleanor commanded.

"It's not like we haven't seen you girls naked before" Harry smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gemma sassed.

"I was specifically talking about Em but fine we'll leave" All four boys walked out of the bunk room leaving Zayn in the bathroom.

"Hey Zayn can you stay in there for like five minutes?" Rayne asked.

"Uh sure" I pulled a comfy pair of black leggings on then one of Harry's blue long sleeve t shirts. I've honestly never seen him in it but it still smells like him. I put my blonde hair into a side braid over my shoulder then laced up my converse. The rest of the girls were in either leggings or yoga pants with different colored t shirts.

"Can I come out now?" Zayn asked.

"Uh yeah sure" He came out of the bathroom and went into the living room with the boys and we packed small suitcases for the next day and a half basically.

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