Chapter 38

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"" Gemma breathed setting all of her bags on the ground. We had been shopping for three hours already and spent loads of money.

"Can we eat something I haven't had anything all day?" Eleanor asked and we all agreed.

"That sounds great but we aren't hauling around a hundred shopping bags while we eat" Rayne stated.

"Paul could you help us take these back to the bus?" I asked.

"Okay but you girls might want to write your names on those bags so your stuff doesn't get mixed up" Paul was right but I didn't have any on me.


"I'll go ask someone at a cash register" I offered. They all nodded and I walked into Chanel randomly.

"Hi I was wondering if I could borrow like four pens for a few seconds?" I asked the lady behind the cash register. She didn't seem very friendly. She was in her fifty's and if the wrinkles didn't give it away, the bright eye shadow did. Old people just forget how to apply makeup.

"You'll have to pay for Chanel's pens" Honestly they're just regular pens with the Chanel symbol on them but it doesn't suddenly make a pen two thousand pounds.

"I'll bring them back my friends and I just need them for five minutes"

"That would be stealing Chanel's property" People can literally be so difficult.

"Fine I'll just go into a different store" I rolled my eyes and went next door which happened to be a fancy shoe store. Hm I'd have to come back later and get new shoes. The man behind the counter seemed my age if not younger. He had dark hair and this mysterious flirty look to him.

"Hi I was wondering if I could borrow some pens for a few minutes?"

"Sure if I can have your number" He smirked. Seriously I just need a few pens not all of this crap.

"First of all I have a boyfriend and second of all I don't even live here I live in London"

"That explains the accent" Well he has an accent too. Jeez.

"So can I borrow a pen?"

"Where's your boyfriend? Is he in London too?" He asked changing the subject.

"Um no he's like twenty minutes away from here. He's getting ready for his concert tonight" The look on this kid's face was priceless. Now if I could get what I came here for.

"Hm is he part of that Five Seconds of One Direction or something?" Idiot.

"No it's just One Direction"

"Which one is he?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't I'm just asking"

"No you're being a creep" I grabbed a few pens from the counter and ran out of there as fast as I could.

"Eleanor what took you so long!" Emily asked.

"Well the lady in Chanel was like 'you have to pay for Chanel's property' then the guy in the shoe store was hitting on me and yeah I stole the pens then ran out of there" They all burst of laughing once I explained why I was so late and we all started writing our names on the shopping bags. I think I had the most out of the four of us but a model needs her clothing.

"Okay girls are you ready?" Paul asked and a few 'yeahs' were exchanged before we made our way to the bus to put our stuff in. After doing that the fans started fleeing to us. Must have been the One Direction bus that caught their attention.

"Oh my gosh it's Eleanor, Louis's fake girlfriend!" One of them screamed. I rolled my eyes and followed the rest of the girls inside the mall.

"Look it's Gemma Harry's other girlfriend!"

"I wonder if Emily knows!"

"You guys are idiots. Gemma is his sister and Emily is his girlfriend. I love you girls you're beautiful!"

The last one brought smiles to all of our faces. Hateful comments are the worst but when another fan steps in to defend us it's the most amazing feeling. Paul eventually managed to get people to leave us alone long enough to eat. I got an Italian chicken salad with a fruit smoothie. The rest of the girls either got sandwiches, pizza, or something else.

"So Emily how has everything been between you and Harry since the whole thing" Gemma asked with air quotes around thing.

"They've been great. I just kind of pretend it didn't happen because I don't want it to bring me down every day"

"That's really good that you guys have been able to move on" I added and they all nodded smiling sweetly.

"So yeah we're great" She continued eating while I asked Rayne about Niall.

"What about you and Niall?"

"Actually we were talking about us and our future together. We plan on having a future together if nothing huge gets in the way"

"Like marriage?" Gemma asked.

"Maybe" She smirked.

"If you get engaged I'm going to be your maid of honor it's settled" Emily smiled proudly.

"Okay okay I guess that's fair only if I'm yours"

"You guys this is so exciting us all happily in relationships" I cheekily smiled at them.

"Yes El your right" Emily started. "What about you and Lou? You guys have been dating for like forever"

"Yeah and so far the road ahead looks just fine"

"That's really good" Rayne added.

"Gemma how about you and Ashton?" I turned towards her.

"Well I'm so excited to see him soon tour is going to be so fun with all of us and our boyfriends and such I just wish Perrie was with us that would complete the picture"

"It definitely would but we'll all see her once her tour is over I think they're getting ready to start it so they should be excited" Emily told us.

"Yes I'm sure they are. Okay I'm finished eating do you guys want to shop some more or head back to the arena?" Rayne asked.

"We can shop some more then go back" I said getting up and walking into that shoe store that I liked but this time I avoided the cashier.


omg guys guess what!!! THERE'S GOING TO BE A LAST FIRST KISS 3!!!! I have a lot more planned for this story and I couldn't fit all of it into this one so I'm making a third one but I still have to finish the second book first.

Keep reading commenting and voting!!


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