Chapter 43

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We ended up having to haul three cabs to go eat. Harry, Gemma, and I in one; Niall, Rayne, and Zayn in the second; Liam, Louis, and Eleanor in the third. Anne and Robin also wanted to join us for dinner to congratulate me and stuff. We were driving to a small yet classy restaurant that not many people knew about so there was a good chance we'd only have a few other people in the same dining room as us.

My hands were intertwined with Harry's as we were squished into the small car. I sat in the middle of the two siblings and I admired my mum's pearl necklace most of the ride there.

I really did miss her and my dad and I hope they know that I'm sorry for everything.


"Now Emily I don't want to dating someone you just met" My dad warned me while we all sat at the dinner table as a family.

"Daddd not this again" I groaned.

"He's right Em boys at this age aren't looking for marriage deals so be careful who you let into your life" My mum added. This is what I get when I tell them that I met a boy at the carnival. I was 14 going on to 15 and I think I was old enough to have a boyfriend but they didn't agree.

"So tell us more about your knew love interest" Rayne smirked trying to get me in trouble.

"He is not a love interest! He is a nice boy who I met and now I'm friends with" I defend the curly haired boy that I just met a week ago.

"You forgot the part about when you two were making out" My cheeks flushed and the room went silent. Wow thank you Rayne for trying to ruin my life.

"Making out?!" Both my parents shrieked causing me to jump.

"No no it wasn't like that! He just kissed me on the cheek that's all! And when I told Rayne she fantasized too much" I glared at my blonde hair, green eyed sister. I saw my dad relax but mum still had her guard up.

"Just on the cheek? Nothing else?" My mum clarified and I nodded though I was flat out lying. Harry and I just had this undeniable connection and it just happened. It wasn't awkward after that. It was even more amazing.

"But Rayne since we're talking about boys" I smirked watching the nerves surface on her features. "Have you told mum and dad about Blake?"

"Dear Lord who is Blake?" My dad frustratedly sighed.

"Her new boyfriend that she's been hiding for quite a long time now" Bam. Shots fired. Little sister wins as always.

"Boyfriend?!" My mum's voice raised scaring me a bit.

"We've gone on a few dates"

"As in how many?" Dad asked.


"Are you two official?" Suddenly my mum was interested in my sister's love life and drama. While on the other hand my dad was watching the scene of them two bonding over guys or whatever it was called.

"As of yesterday"

"Why couldn't I have a boy" My dad made all of us laugh because I'll admit, being one of two girls, we were very spoiled.

"So back to Emily tell us about this Harry boy?" Rayne smirked.

"He has brown curly hair that falls over his forehead and these mesmerizing green eyes. His accent is deeper than mine obviously and he's about a seven inches taller than me"

"Sounds nice. He must have hit puberty then if he's already that tall at 14?" My dad questioned then I realized by the shocked face I was displaying they'd catch on that Harry wasn't 14.

"What?" My mum said taking in every nervous detail of my face. "Emily how old is this boy?"


"Emily" My dad's stern voice pressured me before I blurted it out.

"Okay fine he's 16"

"16?!" There goes the shrieking again. Damn these people need a chill pill. Well then again maybe it was sorta unusual that their 14 year old daughter was kissing a 16 year old boy but they'll have to get over it.

"I think I'm going to go take a nap this was a quite exhausting conversation" My dad said getting up from the table as I finished my dinner. What they didn't know was how amazing Harry was.


I smiled so widely at the memory of my frustrated parents. I would give anything to be able to travel back four years and sit at that table with Rayne giving away my secret that was Harry.

I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of my dad burying his head in his hands because I met and kissed a guy that was a year and a half older than me along with the fact that Rayne had a secret boyfriend too.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked bringing me out of my own little world filled with happy memories and laughter that echoed in my house.

"Nothing I was just thinking about this time with my parents"

"Care to share?" Gemma asked.

"Well we were sitting at the dinner table and it was a week after we net at the carnival and Rayne told them about you. My parents didn't really know what went down between us that day and well anyway my dad freaked out when he found out that you were 16 and I was still 14. I was mad at Rayne so I told them that she had a secret boyfriend and they went crazy. My dad, he was so high strung that night. After dinner he went upstairs to take a nap because he was exhausted with us" I finished the small story with that sad smile still on my face but I really was at peace with them. Time makes all the difference.

"That's really sweet Em" Gemma side hugged me in the small cab.

"Thanks it's nice that I still have the memories of them"

"I know it hurts but you have me and all the other boys. You have Gemma you have Rayne and you have Eleanor and even Perrie so don't worry" Harry kissed me on the cheek and my thumb rubbed against his warm hand.

"I love you guys"

"We love you too" Gemma said.

"And on behalf of your father I didn't know you were 14 when I kissed you"

"Wait you guys kissed the first day you met" I shyly nodded while Harry blushed.

"Crazy crazy kids" She muttered with a smile etched on her face. We came to a stop at the small local restaurant. I used to come here with my family a lot. We met Anne and Robin at a reserved table in the VIP section of the restaurant so we'd be the only people in the room.

"Emily you look beautiful. Congratulations your parents would be so proud" She smiled hugging me.

"Thank you Anne it means a lot"

"You did well kiddo" Robin chuckled pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks Robin" I smiled back at them and turned back to face Harry who had a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a heart shaped box of chocolate in the other. I took them in my hands casually smelling the beautiful flowers.

"Harry they're beautiful thank you!" I couldn't really hug him since my arms so I lightly pecked him on the lips not wanting to show too much affection in front of his parents.

"Anything for you babe" Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the use of the word 'babe'.

"I love you" Good thing people started their own small conversations so all eyes wouldn't be on us as I professed my love for this amazing boy standing in front of me.

"I love you too" We took our seats at the table with Harry on my right and Niall on my left.


Guys I'm so excited for the third book you have no idea! I'm really trying to write this one as fast as I can which means neglecting my other stories but I'm trying my best!

Keep reading commenting and voting!


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