Chapter 11

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I watched as his face fell. Anger and sadness masked his kind eyes. His eyes recognized his own shirt then met with mine again.

"I'm sorry. I think you should go" I barely whispered

"You-you want me to leave?" I tore my eyes away from his direction and fixed them on the wall. I covered my mouth with my hand trying not to full out sob in front of him. He didn't say anything he just left. I sank down to the ground and buried my head between my knees. Why can't I stop crying over him?

What felt like an eternity I stopped crying. My whole body was numb. I stared into space remembering how Harry saved me from Austin. He looked so hot when he swooped in and punched Austin. His black jeans hugged his legs and his hair was jelled up with snowflakes in it.

Austin looked terrified when he realized I actually had a boyfriend. Everyone including me keeps referring to Harry as my boyfriend when I broke up with him. Harry isn't my boyfriend but I keep thinking we're still a happy couple.

I miss him too much to comprehend 'ex-boyfriend'. I need him. He's the only person there for me in every way possible. I wish he wouldn't have left. I wish he would softly kiss me and press our bodies together.

I wish he never cheated on me. I wish I had never walked in them. I wish we were still sitting on the roof of his mum's house in Cheshire. I wish I hadn't slept with Liam. I love Harry. If I loved Harry and hadn't gotten drunk I wouldn't have been an idiot.

I just need to redo the last three weeks of my life. Is that possible? No. I heard the door opened and Niall and Rayne walked in. Their eyes landed on me and Rayne rushed over to me.

"Emily what happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Did Austin hurt you?" Both of them threw questions at me

"Who's Austin?" Niall asked

"I'll explain later. Em what happened?" She gave me her hand and helped me up.

"Austin came over then started touching me but then Harry came in and punched him but then we talked and he said these really nice things then I freaked out and got upset and told him to leave but I want him to hold me and tell me everything's okay again" I cried into Rayne's shoulder once again.

Why do breakups have to be so hard?


"She doesn't love me anymore!" I cried once I got in the car slamming my hands into the steering wheel. It was already snowing to begin with and I shouldn't be driving in this state of mind but I don't care.

The first thing I noticed when that guy pulled away was how skinny she looked. It was obvious she hadn't eaten anything. Her features were scared from that guy but the sadness that I caused was evident. All of this was my fault. It's all my damn fault.

Tears blocked my vision and I repeatedly blinked them away so I could see. My phone was buzzing like crazy but I didn't dare looking at it while I was driving in a snowstorm.

It was driving me insane so I looked at it and it was my mum. She probably wants to know how it went with Emily. I turned my phone off so I was in peace. Images of that guy hovering over Emily flashed in my eyes.

Her pointless cries and attempts to push him off. What if he's with her right now? What if he's hurting her? She doesn't love me anymore. She probably wouldn't want me to save her now.

I've hurt her so badly. The pain in her eyes and her actions is because of me. Because of my stupid actions. How can I be such an idiot. She's going to find someone else that isn't me and he'll love her more.

"Shit!" I cursed as another car smashed into mine. The last thing I remember was the car flipping over into the ice covered road.


Niall and Rayne calmed me down after my crying fit.

"So who is Austin?"

"He's part of my study group and he hit on Emily then came over and you know" Rayne answered him then turned to me "How..what did he do?"

"He creepily touched my arm then shoved his hand up my shirt and sucked on my collarbone then Harry came in"

"I'm so sorry Em I didn't think he would do that"

"It's okay I'm just glad I won't see him again"

"Yeah don't worry he's definitely gonna hear it from me" I smiled my older sister then my eyes met Niall's worried blue ones.

"Niall can you not mention this to the other boys?"

"Don't worry Emily I won't" He smiled

"Can you please eat now?" Rayne pestered

"I'm not hungry" I lied. I was starving I just wasn't in the mood to eat.

"You haven't eaten since Friday!" I was really praying she wouldn't talk about my problems since Niall is here. I hope he doesn't judge me or whatever. She saw me look at Niall then back at her. "Oh um I'm sorry I-"

"Emily please don't do this to yourself" He interrupted

"Niall you just don't understand. Harry cheated on me" I put my palms over my eyes to prevent me from crying for the thousandth time

"I know I don't know what that feels like but I know not eating isn't helping"

"Please Emily just one meal?" Rayne begged

"Okay fine"

"Where do you wanna eat?" Niall asked

"I don't care" I shrugged

"Okay well put some shoes and a jacket on it's snowing outside" Rayne commanded

"Isn't that dangerous to drive in the snow?"

"Yeah but I know of a place that's just across from campus" Niall said. I slipped some socks on then put my combat boots on. I slid Harry's jacket over his white t shirt before grabbing my beanie and putting it over my messy hair.

I put my phone in Harry's jacket pocket before following them outside. The snow matted the parking lot then soon melted away. We got in my Niall's car and he carefully drove to the restaurant.

I watched the snowflakes slide down the windows and my thoughts drifted off to Harry. I wonder what he's doing. I hope he's at home drinking hot chocolate keeping warm.

I wonder if he's thinking about me too. I hope he isn't mad that I made him leave. The image of his heartbroken face wouldn't leave my mind. I looked at my phone and Gemma and Harry's mum had called me.

I wonder if they're visiting in town. I decided on calling them back later because I wanted to eat first so I could think clearly. Niall pulled into iHop's parking lot.

"Hmm breakfast in the afternoon huh?" I asked

"Yep it's the best" We entered the warm restaurant then were seated quickly. A few fans came up to us asking where Harry is but I said he's just at home with my best fake smile.

I ordered a huge feast of a stack of pancakes, bacon, eggs, oatmeal, and cheesecake. Rayne and Niall seemed pleased with themselves that they got me to eat. And it felt great too. Once we finished eating Niall's phone rang.

Okay okay where is he?
We're coming
Yes I have her
We'll be there
Bye" I only heard Niall's side but his face paled a few seconds after he answered.

"What's wrong?" Rayne asked. Niall looked at me and his expression terrified me

"Harry's been in an accident"

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