Chapter 12

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Those words stabbed me in the chest. Harry has been in an accident. If I hadn't made him leave he wouldn't crashed. This is all my fault. I had to cover my mouth so the food I had just ate wouldn't come back up.

Niall tried talking to me as we walked to the car but I couldn't hear him I just needed to see Harry. I prayed he was okay. That he wasn't dead. Oh my gosh what if he died.

I got in the backseat and Niall drove us to the hospital. I picked my phone up and called Gemma.

"Gemma is Harry okay?" My voice was shaky and I was scared for her response

"I don't know Em the doctors haven't given us any results we came here as fast as we could" She cried into the receiver I hope Anne's okay.

"From Cheshire?"

"No no my mum and I visited Harry last week and we heard about everything that happened so we stayed longer than intended"

"Okay well we-we're on our way" I said trying not to break out in sobs

"What did she say?" Rayne asked

"She-she said they don't know and the doctors haven't said anything" Rayne mumbled I couldn't hear.

I anticipated what was going to happen but once Niall parked I ran inside not waiting for them. I saw the boys sitting in the waiting room with Anne and Gemma.

"Where is he?" I quickly asked

"He's not allowed visitors at the moment" Zayn calmly said hugging me

"Is he going to be okay?" I cried into his shirt

"I-I don't know Emily but he's alive" He smiled trying to lighten up the mood

"You sure?" I wiped under my eyes and fixed my beanie

"Yes I promise he is" Zayn sat back down next to Louis and Liam. Gemma stood up and hugged me.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this I'm such a wreck"

"Don't worry it's not your fault" Anne said behind me. I weakly smiled then hugged her too. Rayne and Niall came in once I took my seat.

"Is he okay?" Niall asked

"We don't know" Louis responded.

Twenty dull boring silent minutes went by before a doctor walked out and seemed to be looking for us I'm guessing.

"Are any of you relatives of Mr. Styles?" Anne and Gemma stood up

"I'm his mother" Anne spoke softly and he took her and Gemma into the hallway. I pulled my phone out and saw that Perrie had called me.

"I'll be right back" I told them then walked outside while calling Perrie back.

"Hey Em Eleanor told me know"


"Don't worry I'm not mad at you or anything it was Harry's fault to begin with. I just want to know if you're okay?"

"I'm really not okay but we're getting through it I guess"

"I just want you to know I'm here for you if you need anything"

"I know thanks Perrie"

"Anytime. Zayn told me Harry was in an accident is he okay?"

"Actually I don't know. The doctor just took Anne and Gemma with him or something since they're relatives"

"Do you know what happened?"

"Well um he came to talk to me at Rayne'e dorm and I told him to leave then next thing you know he's in the hospital. It's my fault isn't it?"

"Emily no! These things happen you can't blame this on you!" I smiled at her kind confident words

"Yeah I guess you're right. Um well I'm going to go see if they've said anything about Harry I'll text you about it later?"

"Sounds good Em. Let me know how everything goes" I knew she wasn't talking about the accident but about Harry and I.

"I will love you Perrie"

"Love you too Em" I hung up then walked back inside. Gemma and Anne were sitting back down and the doctor read something on his clipboard.

"Are you all here for Mr.Styles?" He asked looking at all of us sitting in the waiting room. We all nodded and he cleared his throat getting ready to speak.

"Well it was a very serious accident but lucky for you all the car was a very expensive one and was built very well which protected him and saved his life. He has no broken bones but he's just a little beat up. Just small bruises and cuts here and there. He is in a lot of pain right now so it will take a little while for the pain medications to kick in. He will be allowed visitors in about 35 minutes" I smiled at the news. I'm so thankful Harry insisted in buying an expensive car because it saved his life. The doctor smiled back before leaving the room.

"I told you he was alive" Zayn smirked

"He wouldn't have been if it weren't for his car" I threw back playfully. I found a pair of headphones in Harry's jacket and plugged them into my phone. I listened to the lyrics of Little Mix's Towers and closed my eyes sinking in the chair.

Song after song played and all I could think of was Harry. What am I going to say to him? Sorry it was my fault I kicked you out and you got in a wreck. No.. What if he doesn't want to see me?

Rayne tapped my shoulder making me pause the music and pull the headphones out.

"Are they allowing visitors yet?" I asked

"Yeah Anne just went to talk to him"

"Emily you can go before me?" Gemma suggested

"No you guys can all go before me trust me it's fine"

"But your his-" Liam started

"And you're his bandmates/bestfriends and sister. Please guys just trust me on this one?" They nodded in defeat and I continued playing my music. A few minutes later Anne walked out and Gemma went in.

"Emily can I talk to you?" I read her lips then stopped the music following her outside. "I'm really sorry about Harry's behavior"

"Anne don't be it's his fault not yours" I smiled

"I'm not trying to guilt you or anything but you're the only one that I think is good for Harry. I know he's made a lot of mistakes but he does love you I can see that. Just think about it?"

"I am and I can't really do anything without him either so chances are we'll work it out"

"That's good to hear. If he's ever bothering you just call me" She laughed and I joined her. It felt nice to laugh and to be able to admit that to myself. Maybe Harry and I will get back together and be that happy couple everyone loves.

"Thank you" I said hugging her tightly

"Anytime. This is quite interesting though. You're like my daughter and I'm helping you with boy troubles but Harry is the one causing them" This is why I love her like a mother. She's able to laugh and see the good in every bacd situation.

"Well I love knowing that" We walked back inside and one by one they all went to talk to Harry. As much as I tried to find what to say to Harry nothing popped in my head.

"Emily it's your turn" Liam gave me a caring smile before I walked up to Harry's room.

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