Chapter 13

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I stepped inside of the hospital room and my eyes landed on the pale tattooed boy in the bed. Harry's hair was in all different directions but it made him look even more irristable. The thin white gown covered his shoulders and a little of his arms but I could spot a few cuts here and there.

"Hi" I said weakly before my feet lead me to sit on a chair next to him.

"I'm happy you're here" Should I say it? Should I blurt out that I'm sorry for him almost getting killed. That I should have known better not to send him out in a snowstorm.

"I'm happy you're not dead" Damn it why did I say that. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment and I looked down at the thin mattress under him.

"I told you I was right about getting the expensive car" He smiled. How can he be so lighthearted at a time like this? And so nice to me?

"I'm sorry I made you leave I didn't know there was a snowstorm going on" I said quickly and nervously

"Emily don't blame this on yourself"

"But it's my-"

"I was the one who wasn't paying attention when I was driving"

"Okay I guess you're right"

"You know when everyone came in they all told me about you"

"What did they say?" I was scared for the answer but what he said kind of shocked me

"Well my mum and Gemma scolded me for my careless driving then said you looked so paranoid for me. Even though I hurt you, you still didn't stop caring for me. Then Liam and I apologized for everything especially for beating each other up-"

"What? You and Liam got in a fight?" My mind flashed back to when Harry came in with blood smeared on his face. I guess he was fighting with Liam..

"Yeah..that was when I came the first time to Rayne's dorm..I guess I forgot to tell you" I buried my head in my hands then pushed my hair back. "I'm sorry about that too"

"I know Harry" I was disappointed with him but it happened a few days ago anyway and they've already made up so I shouldn't worry.

"Anyway..Niall and Rayne talked about how you weren't eating and you didn't move out of bed which crushed me even more. Zayn and Louis told me I should be making you happy not sad so I will try if you give me another chance. I'll give you more time but I can't stand much longer being away from you" When I was getting ready to say something one of the doctors came in. Perfect timing. Just as we were getting along.

"Mr.Styles you need to take your pain medication and go to sleep. Ms.Robin you can come back in a couple of minutes if you're staying the night with him"

"Oh-okay" I stuttered before walking out of Harry's room. Liam was waiting for me but everyone else seemed to have left. It was already 10:30 so I wouldn't blame them.

"Do you want me to drop you off at Rayne's dorm?" He asked

"Um no I think I'm going to stay with Harry"

"Okay..Emily can we just pretend like what happened never did?" I thought about it for a second then nodded

"I just want us to be friends like we used to and not have this awkward tension between us" My words made him smile

"Me too. Friends?"

"Friends" I smiled back then we embraced each other.

"Okay well goodnight Emily"

"Goodnight Liam" I walked back into Harry's room and he was already fast asleep. I desperately wanted to crawl in the bed with him but I couldn't. I took my combat boots off and Harry's jacket then put my hair in a bun. I turned one of the main lights off leaving it dim but enough to see where I was going. I sat in the chair crisscrossed so my feet would stay warm. I took Harry's right hand in mine before falling asleep next to him.

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