Chapter 58

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Tears slipped out of my eyes at the memory. Everything was so perfect then. Management wasn't between us. Harry wasn't keeping anything from me.

"I'm going to go to sleep guys" I quickly stood up so that they didn't see me cry and walked into the bunk room. I changed into just a big t shirt and climbed into bed putting my headphones on and listening to Ed Sheeran's new album.

The hours passed and I occasionally heard someone getting into bed when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I knew it was Harry I could just feel it. I took my head phones out and was met with this silouette standing over me.

"Can we talk?" He whispered. My heart stopped beating because he was all sweet now but I knew what was to come.

"Sure" I slipped on some leggings before following him outside the bus. I silently prayed that everything would go well or at least okay but there was that awful feeling I had in my gut that made my stomach flip. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"I know about your nightmare"

"Yeah well thanks to you it's kind of been worrying me"

"I'm sorry" He apologized but his voice was rough and shaky.

"Please just tell me and make it easier for everyone"

"Are you using me?" And that was when it hit me. The dream was coming alive. I felt the color drain from my face because this was going to end in me leaving and never looking back. I almost wanted him to not tell me so that didn't happen.

"W-What? Why would you think that?"

"Because it makes sense"

"What makes sense?"

"Everything. The reason you came on tour with me twice and got the job. Was it for the money or the fame?" I couldn't believe this. I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't just a nightmare. I wasn't. It was real.

"I had no one else I'm not using you for fame! Or money!"

"Then why are you still here? After I've pissed you off so many times? After I've cheated on you? The only reason is because you have nothing and without me you're nothing"

"Harry I stayed with you because I love you!"

"Stop Emily just stop lying"

"Management has really brainwashed you hasn't it?" I snapped glaring at him. The one person I trusted with my life thinks I don't love him. "How can you say that?"

"Because it's true!"

"What about the times we made love? What about when it was just you and I before you were famous?"

"What we had before I left was just some fling"

"You are ridiculous! Are you high? Is this a joke?" I laughed bitterly even though I was about to cry. "You are crazy if you think everything we had for the past four years was fake! So just tell me exactly what management has told you?"

"They made so many relevant points as to why you could have left me when you didn't. They said we don't even look like a couple. Fans think there's something going on here so how do you explain that?"

"This is bullshit! Why are you believing all of this? They are just trying to get us to breakup and you know what? They won. We're done Harry"

"You sure you're not going to give it any thought and stay with me?" He sarcastically asked. This was not Harry Styles that I met at a Carnival. This was Harry Styles feeding in to all these dumb lies. 

"Why would you keep this from me then?" I shot back.

"Because I had to! I knew you would make a big scene about it! You would breakup with me and leave the tour" He yelled.

"And what made you think that?" I sarcastically spat.

"Because I know you better than anyone else Em" Anger rushed through my veins.

"Don't call me that! You lied again! And I am leaving you! We're done for good this time! I should have dumped your unfaithful ass the second I saw you with Sophia!"

"Really and where are you going to go? To Brandon's because knowing you, after a breakup you like to sleep with someone else!"

"Shut up Harry! You're the one that cheated and screwed everything up! You lied about what management had said to you about me! All you do is screw shit up because you think you're better than everyone else! You think you can do whatever you want and say whatever you want because you're in one of the most famous boybands in the world! Well you know what, any girl would die to be with you no matter what but I'm leaving. We are over. Don't ever talk to me again!"

"Well you know what have fun in New York! You're going to get so much hate because you broke up with me! Then your going to drink and get high because that's what you do! That's what you did after I left you for a better opportunity!"

"You're such an asshole! And the minute I leave this bus I'm going to let the whole world know how much of a cheating liar their idol is! How much hate do you think you'll because last time I checked you had seven times as many followers on twitter as I did!"

"But then guess what will happen? Management will sue you because you ruined Harry Styles from One Direction's reputation then you will be broke and you will have to live with Brandon. Have a nice life!

"I will without you. I hate you so much!" I yelled with the same amount of venom in my voice from my dream. "I can't believe I was ever in love with you"

"I can say the same thing" Harry said with a devious smirk plastered across his face.

"I can't believe you let them get to you. You are weak Harry. You care more about your image than the people that love you! Wait I mean loved." I ripped every piece of jewelry off that he gave me and threw   them on the concrete. It really is over now.. And the worst part is is that I knew it was going to happen but this hurt a thousand times more than my dream.

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