Chapter 40

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I woke up in Harry's tight grasp and slowly had to pry my way out of his arms. I bent down in the darkness to look for my phone.

"Em? What are you doing?" Harry's groggily voice startled me.

"Just looking for something go back to sleep love" He didn't respond so I assumed he was already falling back asleep. My hand touched a cool surface which I assumed was my phone and it was. The bright light blinded me for a few seconds so I quickly turned down the brightness. It was 3:43 in the morning and the bus wasn't moving so are we at the hotel or what?

I silently slipped out of the door into the living area and it was dark outside. Aren't we supposed to be driving? I am so confused. I heard the door to the bus open and even though it was dark I could see Paul's silhouette.

"Paul? Why aren't we moving?"

"We stopped for the night. We'll start driving in the morning" I heard shouting outside which really scared me.

"What's going on outside?"

"I don't really know you might want to go see for yourself before they kill each other" What is he talking about? Before I could ask, Paul went into the other room. I lit the way in front of me and opened the door.

"Seriously?! Are you kidding me?" Eleanor's angry voice filled my ears. Who is she fighting with?

"What am I supposed to think Eleanor? When I see you with some other guy?!" Louis. Why are they fighting?

"For God's sake that wasn't me! There are a lot of 5'7" girls with brown wavy hair! That doesn't prove anything! I was with Emily, Gemma and Rayne the whole day, not cheating on you!"

"Well you've been keeping a lot from me lately! How can I trust you now?"

"Louis I said I was sorry! Why are you holding that against me?" I could tell she was in tears now.

"I can't do this anymore"

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"You're not giving me much of a choice!"

"Yes I am! I love you and that girl isn't me! I said I was sorry about the last time okay I thought we were past this"

"I think we need a break"

"You can't do that! It's 4 in the morning you're delirious. Can we just talk about this in the morning?"

"Fine" Their footsteps got closer and I quickly bolted to the bedroom trying to get in the bed with Harry but he was taking like the whole bed up.

"Harry move!" He groaned but obeyed and I quickly jumped under the covers and pretended to be a sleep as Eleanor and Louis came inside getting in their bunks.


I heard faint whispers outside the bedroom door but I ignored it. I barely remembered what happened last night but all I know is that Eleanor and Louis were fighting and she was crying.

I felt around for my phone again and saw that it was already 11. Good thing we don't have to be at the arena until 4 because we'd totally be late if it was for noon. The bus was moving so I assumed we were driving to the next city.

Paul said the drive is quite long so we'll be hanging around the bus all day. Well at least for the next five hours. Harry wasn't with me so I swept my hair to the side and went in the small kitchen area to look for him.

He was sitting at the table eating cereal while looking at something on his phone.

"Good morning" I softly said pulling the cheerios out from the cabinet.

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