Chapter 55

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I playfully slapped Liam's shoulder as he threw me down on the couch and sat next to me. I pulled my phone out going on Instagram logging on to my stalker account seeing pictures of all of us flood the screen.

"Hey Liam what's your instagram name?" I asked.

"fakeliampayne. It's all lower cased. Why?" He asked with a slight giggle.

"You're so weird and because I want to follow you" I laughed while typing it in and an account popped up with a rediculous selfie of Liam as the profile.

"Hey it was the only username I could think of"  I scrolled through looking at his past posts and couldn't stop laughing because he posted like fifteen selfies.

"Liam what the hell"

"The fans love it when I take selfies" He defended.

"It's true but the only losers that don't take selfies on this bus are Harry and Louis" Niall accused.

"Yeah Harry posts the weirdest things" Gemma laughed.

"Leave me alone I suck at taking selfies" Harry pouted.

"Trust me I know" I added.

"And Em I though you already follow me" Liam said with a questioning tone.

"I'm following you on my stalker account" I mumbled hoping he didn't hear me.

"You have a stalker account?" Louis asked.

"She does I've seen it" Harry said with a playful tone pretending everything was cool betwen us when actually it was at its worse.

"And you think I'm weird" Liam rolled his eyes earning another slap from me.

"I love interacting with the fans secretely" I defended. "Anyway who's excited for the concert?"

"Yeah the concerts in Paris are the best" Zayn said.  


Zayn was right. The first concert in Paris was definitely something because every fan somehow coordinated with each other and all had written signs then held them up during the concert. It was amazing.

Everyone had decided to go to bed but me. I haven't gotten much sleep lately because I keep having nightmares about Harry and I. It's the same thing each night but I can only remember the beginning and the end. Obviously the middle is what Harry and everyone on this bus knows except me. Even my brain is keeping it from me.

"Hi babe" Harry says sitting on the couch next to me as my eyes scan over my computer screen yet the words are too blurry for me to read.

"Hey what's up" I casually answer.

"The boys wanted to go out but I was thinking that we could stay and while they're out we can have some alone time" He said closing my laptop screen and pulling me on his lap.

"Not on the bus Harry"

"Why not? We did it for the Take Me Home tour" My laugh echoed through the small room.

"We should just watch movies and cuddle or something"

"You're so boring" His rough tone caught me off guard and I looked to him with confusion.

"Excuse me?"

"This is why I cheated on you in the first place!" My heart dropped. I felt him push me off of his lap and his harsh tone sent shivers down my spine.

"Why do you keep doing this?" My voice cracked as fresh warm tears flowed down my cheeks. "Why do you keep hurting me?"

"Because you deserve it Emily! All you do is use me for everything! Money, fame, friends, a job because you killed your own parents! And they aren't here to take care of you! Management was right" He spat shoving my shoulders. His eyes were dark with hate staring into mine. The room around us was made up of shadows. No light yet I could still make out the shape of his face.

"Management was right about what?"


"Why would you keep this from me?" My voice was hoarse and sad as my tears continued to pour out.

"Because I had to! I knew you would make a big scene about it! You would breakup with me and leave the tour"

"And what made you think that?"

"Because I know you better than anyone else Em" Anger rushed through my veins.

"Don't call me that! You lied again! And I am leaving you! We're done for good this time! I should have dumped your unfaithful ass the second I saw you with Sophia!"

"Really and where are you going to go? To Brandon's because knowing you, after a breakup you like to sleep with someone else!"

"Shut up Harry! You're the one that cheated and screwed everything up! You lied about what management had said to you about me! All you do is screw shit up because you think you're better than everyone else! You think you can do whatever you want and say whatever you want because you're in one of the most famous boybands in the world! Well you know what, any girl would die to be with you no matter what but I'm leaving. We are over. Don't ever talk to me again!"

"Well you know what have fun in New York! You're going to get so much hate because you broke up with me! Then your going to drink and get high because that's what you do! That's what you did after I left you for a better opportunity!"

"You're such an asshole! And the minute I leave this bus I'm going to let the whole world know how much of a cheating liar their idol is! How much hate do you think you'll because last time I checked you had seven times as many followers on twitter as I did!"

"But then guess what will happen? Management will sue you because you ruined Harry Styles from One Direction's reputation then you will be broke and you will have to live with Brandon. Have a nice life!

"I will without you. I hate you so much!" I yelled with so much venom in my voice it even scared me. "I can't believe I was ever in love with you"

"I can say the same thing" Harry said with a devious smirk plastered across his face.

"Emily wake up! Emily wake up!" The dark shadows faded away as a voice brought me out of my nightmare. I shot up shaking, crying, and gasping for air. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up in the toilet. That one was the worst one yet. I usually wake up after Harry says 'because I know you better than anyone else Em'.

The same person that woke me up held my hair back as I emptied my stomach. The nightmare replayed in my head over and over again and I contiued crying and panting like I was about to drown. Once I finished vomitting I curled up on the ground not wanting to see whoever was watching over me. My hands were ice cold and clamly as they nervously rubbed together.

"Emily can you hear me?" I still couldn't make out the voice because of my vicious crying. I was still shaking. I don't know how that happened. The conversation between Harry and I was so awful. It scared me so much. I can't go back to sleep now. I can't. I can't listen to Harry's hurtful words stab me in the chest.

My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. My chest was tight and sore and I continued breathing so heavily. Everything was blurry and in slow motion. My whole body was so weak a it slumped on the floor.

"What the hell is going on?" Another voice entered. I couldn't take this. I could sense the worry in the air and it was too overwhelming. You know when you were a little kid and you fell off the monkey bars and all the air was knowcked out of you and you couldn't speak? You couldn't breath? People surrounded you asking if you were okay? But you couldn't respond and tell them to give you a few minutes to catch your breath and it was so agonizing not being able to communicate with someone standing right over you? That's how I felt. I couldn't stop seeing the way Harry's eyes were filled with such hate and how it was affecting me so deeply. I just couldn't gather the enery to tell the people around me that I was okay. And honestly I wasn't.

I snapped.


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