Chapter 4

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Louis's voice scared me awake and I know this looked really bad especially since they don't know about Harry and Sophia. Once Emily threw that in their face they definitely were shocked. She was in the bathroom crying right now and I just buried my head in my hands.

"Look I know Harry cheated on Emily and Sophia cheated on you Liam but you really should not have done whatever you did" Nially warned in a hushed tone so Emily wouldn't hear

"I know but I'm sorry both of us needed to just I don't know relax.." It sounded like a stupid excuse but it was all I had to sum it up

"Did you guys..go all the way?" Louis asked afraid of the answer and I nodded

"Okay you guys work it out I'm going to see if I can talk to Emily" Zayn said walking to the bathroom door.


I sat on the toilet cover leaning against the counter when someone softly knocked on the door.

"I'm not in the mood to talk" I said in a rude voice

"Em please" I heard Zayn beg but I needed more time to think of what I was going to say to them.

"Um..can I at least shower first?" He sighed contemplating what to say next

"I you need your suitcase?"

"Yeah" I turned the shower on and tried relaxing under the water but I couldn't stop crying. Harry cheated on me. He slept with someone else because I wouldn't. I just wanted to be safe..he must really not love me.

I'm not going to give our relationship another chance though. I'm done with all of Harry's stupid games. Obviously fingering me wasn't enough. I can't believe I was so stupid. I should have known he would do something the minute he wouldn't look me in the eye.

I trusted him but now that's over. Everything was tied down to him. My job, my friends, my home, and now I'm left with nothing. Yes I still have the boys and my job but both of them are tremendously attached to Harry.

How will I ever get over this? It seems impossible honestly. I'll have to see him once the Where We Are tour starts up every day and tell him what to do. Who to date. I can't escape him.

I remembered that I was still just crying under the shower head. I thought back to last night with Liam. As much I thought it was okay I knew it wasn't. Single or not I slept with my ex boyfriends best friend.

I shouldn't have let Liam do that. He tried to stop me multiple times but I wanted the feeling someone loved me. I know Liam doesn't and I don't love him. No matter how much Harry hurt me I still love him. The way he'd try telling me horrible jokes but I'd still laugh anyway.

The way he played with Lilah and took care of her as if she was his own child. Our child. What now though? We definitely aren't getting married now. My conscience reminded we could work it out and he could love me again. I could forgive him and he could actually be faithful again.

The water was now freezing cold and all the warmth had gone done the drain. I still needed to scrub off all this guilt off of me. I quickly washed my body and hair then got out as fast as possible. I was shivering in my towel but was warmer now.

I slightly opened the bathroom door and found my suitcase waiting for me. I pulled it in the bathroom then took out a fresh bra and underwear along with a t shirt and shorts. Once I had the t shirt on I realized it was Harry's. You didn't even have to look at it to know you could just smell the mint from his colonge.

Another few tears slipped out but this was all I had left of him so I decided to keep it on. I pulled out my toothbrush and toothpaste to get the alcohol scent off my tongue. I brushed my hair not doing anything with it. Soon there were wet streaks from it running down my chest but I didn't care.

I stepped out of the bathroom and noticed my phone next to the bed. It had a huge crack in it from when I dropped it when I walked in on Harry and Sophia. The image of them kissing popped in my head making me cringe.

Not to mention the thousands of missed calls and voicemails and texts from Harry..and Eleanor. Gosh what was she going to think of my actions? I didn't even bother to read any of them. I shut my phone off trying not to cry again thinking of him.

Before I could muster up some things to tell the boys my feet led me into the living room. It was all cleaned up compared to last night. The boys were all awkwardly staring at me and I just played with the hem of Harry's shirt to avoid eye contact with them.

"Em.." Louis's voice trailed off as he walked over to me

"Don't try to make me feel better because it won't help"

"Can you at least talk to us? Maybe it will make you feel somewhat better?" He was trying to comfort me and I knew I was being difficult so I decided to tell them.

I sat down between Louis and Zayn across from Liam and Niall. I took a deep breath trying to ignore the lump in my throat. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop crying once my story started.

"Harry..he started acting weird after the party and things were just awkward and uncomfortable. We hadn't been talking much for the last two weeks and he..he..yelled at me" That's when I lost it but I had to continue. I tried collecting myself pushing through it as Louis rubbed small circles on my back.

"Then I went to dinner with you guys and Eleanor dropped me off. When I opened our bedroom door they were kissing. They were both obviously naked under the sheets and didn't notice me until my phone hit the floor. Harry tried to explain but I couldn't listen. I just screamed at him then left and came here. Sophia came in a few minutes later then explained"

I sobbed in Louis's chest probably drenching his shirt. All the memories Harry and I had together. All the places we went and when we visited his parents. The time we stayed at his parents when I had school and we got in a fight because of Josh. Is this how he felt when he saw us kissing? I mean that was an honest mistake but I don't know.

My heart hurt so badly. I gasped for air as I continued crying. Well what do you expect from someone who was just cheated on..

"Emily and Liam for that matter.. I know this isn't our business but why did you think sex was the answer?" Niall asked. I let go of Louis facing them and tried thinking of an answer.

My eyes met with Liam's and they were full of guilt as well.

"I-I don't's my fault I'm sorry Liam I didn't listen to you" I apologized

"It was my fault too..I shouldn't have gone through with it" Liam answered

"I know this is probably the wrong thing to say but just because Harry and Sophia hurt you guys doesn't mean you should have done the same thing" Zayn told us.

As much as I didn't want to believe it I knew he was right.


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