Chapter 53

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"Em can we please talk" Harry broke the silence between us. Everyone had gone to bed and we were left in the living room area of the bus alone. I was reading and he was doing something on his phone.

"If you're not going to tell me what's going on then no"

"Can we forget about it just for a while?" I was shocked by his question. He thinks he can just make me forget about it? Really?

"Harry it's all I can think about! How do you expect me to forget about it?"

"I don't know I just don't want management coming between us"

"Management isn't coming between us Harry you are! You're turning me away from my friends because they all know what's going on and I don't! And they don't want to go against you and tell me so really I'm the only one who doesn't know!" It's so hard not full out scream at him because that would disturb everyone else trying to sleep and I don't want to do that. Instead I have to whisper scream at him which doesn't always get my anger across.

"Emily I'm sorry"

"No you can apologize after you tell me but I'm not listening to you when all you're going to do is piss me off more than I am already. I'm going to bed" I closed my book leaving it on the couch and went into the bunck bed room where I quietly found mine. Harry soon followed me of course.


"Just leave me alone Harry" I turned around facing the wall and heard him sigh in defeat then get into his bunk.  


I heard commotion outside of the bunk room which woke me up and I rememebered it was Rayne's birthday. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before I gave her her present.

Soon I fished out the precious brown boots with about a three inch heel and hid them behind my back. I stepped outside and she had seemed to open a few presents already. A wide grin spread across my face and I couldn't wait any longer. I showed her the boots and her jaw dropped to the floor.

"Happy Birthday!" I squealed. She literally screamed while hugging me.

"These are the boots I've wanted for like three years I can't believe you got them" Everyone was awake except for Zayn and they all started laughing as Rayne practically tackled me while hugging and screaming still. "You are the best little sister ever!"

(a lot of bad language ahead just warning you)

"I'm trying to fucking sleep what the actual fuck it sounds like there are ten fucking thousand fangirls in here what the hell" Zayn said entering the living room shirtless and hair all messed up. Everyone couldn't hold back their laughter and it was even louder. "I hate all of you"

"But Zaynie it's my birthday" Rayne pouted.

"And it's like the middle of the fucking night"

"Zayn it's 11 in the morning" Louis rationalized.

"Shut up" And with that he went back to sleep leaving all of us cracking up with laughter. Rayne continued opening presents and throughout her little birthday party or whatever you want to call it Harry kept staring at me. I kept giving him annoyed glances to tell him to stop but he would just smirk and keep staring at me.

As Liam talked about going somewhere tonight I was distracted by Harry. Two can play at this game. I stared back and as soon as he smiled showing his dimples I had to bite my lip to keep me from smiling. He always knew how to break my seriousness. I flicked him off letting a stupid half smile grow to a full on on my face.

He chuckled knowing he had won whatever game he was playing. He montioned for us to go talk in the kitchen and shook my head no until he started pouting with his lip sticking out making the most adorable face. I fought against myself trying to decide what to do and I gave up following him into the other room.

"What's up?" I casually asked.

"I've missed you"

"How I've been with you like all the time"

"No I miss kissing you and holding your hand and cuddling with you" I saw his vunarability and wanted to just smash my lips against his but then he would be getting away with not telling me something and think it's okay when it isn't.

"And I miss when you could tell me anything" I fired back.

"Emily stop worrying about management for once"

"But-" I was cut off by feeling his soft pink lips against mine. It was so perfect the way our lips slowly moved together. I felt the undeniable spark between us that after all these years still hasn't gone away. I wanted so badly to just pull away but I had missed being this close to him and I wasn't going to ruin it.

My hands tugged at the hem of his shirt and he cupped my thighs bringing me on top of the counter. He slowly sucked on my neck making me feel a thousand butterflies at once or as Zayn would put it, 'ten fucking thousand'.

"I'm still pissed at you"

"Shhhh" Our lips reconnected and I was met with the familiar taste of his mint toothpaste that still lingered on his tounge.

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