Chapter 14

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"Wake up wake up wake up!!!!" Rayne jumped on my bed. Well it wasn't mine it was Allison's. I'm really surprised neither of them have kicked me out yet. Allison has been staying in her boyfriend's dorm anyway letting me sleep her. The air was knocked out of me when Rayne sat on my back.

"Get off" I groaned making her giggle

"C'mon it's your 18th birthday!! What is the first thing you want to do as an adult?" She chirped. It was way too early for this birthday or not.


"Hm typical. Okay I'll give you an hour then we are going somewhere" I felt her get off of me then I heard some shuffling then the door close. I guess she had left. I smiled at the silence allowing me to slip back into my slumber.


I left the dorm to meet Eleanor, Louis and, Harry at Louis and Eleanor's house. We were setting up a surprise party for Emily to cheer her up hopefully it would work.

I zipped up my coat then got in my car and drove to the house. I hope Emily would go back to sleep like she claimed instead of trying to find me or whatever.

I arrived at the address Eleanor texted me and saw three cars parked in the driveway telling me Harry was here too. I know he's done or tried everything to make it up to Emily so I will try and be civil. He's probably heard enough from everyone else.

I knocked on the door and immediately Eleanor opened the door with a smile.

"Hey Rayne I'm so glad you're here!"

"Glad to help" I smiled back entering her small house. It was very cozy and had that home feeling to it.

I saw Harry and Louis hanging a 'Happy Birthday' banner above the living room area then some other decorations.

"So about how many people are coming?" I asked

"Not as many as Harry's but just the other boys, Perrie, Lou, Lux, and her husband. Um who else I'm forgetting a few?" Eleanor asked the boys

"Gemma and my mum" Harry answered

"I don't know I think that's it" Louis said back

"Simple is good though and I don't really think Emily's in the party party mood. She's not even in the social mood but I'll work on her" I said

"Speaking of Emily where is she?" Eleanor asked me

"Well I woke her up then she told me she wanted to go back to sleep so then I left and she hasn't called me so I assumed she's asleep."

"How early is it?" Harry asked

"It's actually pretty late. A little bit after noon"

"Has she always slept that late?" Louis questioned making me laugh

"Yeah she always slept late and she always made us late for school. I never slept till after 12 and she probably will if I don't wake her"

"Okay well let's finish the decorations so we don't take too much time up" Eleanor suggested.

We spent the next two hours getting the food and presents set up. Well just the presents from Harry, Eleanor&Louis, and I so far. It was already three in the afternoon so I called Emily and it went to her voicemail after a few rings. She must still be sleeping.

"Well I'm going to go get Emily ready Lord knows she'll need the time. Party starts at 6?" I asked and they nodded. To surprise Emily we'd just get there around 6:15.

"Bye Rayne!" They all said in unison

"Bye guys see you later!" I drove back to the dorms and yes I was right. Emily was still sleeping.

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