Chapter 33

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9 hours. Nine hours. N i n e h o u r s. The plane hasn't even taken off yet and I'm already tired of sitting here. I usually have things to do on flights but this time I don't. I just got out of class like twenty minutes ago and now we're on a plane to London. If it would leave already.

Prom week is really perfect for periods. Just kidding. Harry was doing something on his phone and I was staring out the window. Tomorrow I'm going to hang out with the boys, Eleanor, Gemma and Rayne. And I'm so happy I get to see them.

On tour I won't really have to worry about Ashton because Gemma is dating him now and she knows what happened between us and I think she's talked to him about that. Maybe he's sane now I don't know. Harry doesn't like the idea of his sister dating someone that hit his girlfriend but Gemma is coming on tour with us so it's gonna be all good.

Since this is a summer tour Rayne isn't in college so she will also be with us on tour. Eleanor might be coming too but we haven't discussed that yet.

I sighed and pulled out my laptop to make sure all of the dates and times are set along with flight tickets. The tour bus will be waiting for us Friday April 25, 4 in the morning in South America. I'll be flying from New York to South America Thursday morning.

I was checking my emails and saw how many things management wants me to do. Just leave the boys alone. They have so many meet and greets and book signings and all these things that will probably tire them out like crazy.

I think Harry was sensing me stressing out.

"Babe don't stress about all this stuff" He took my laptop and closed it then put it back in my bag.

"It's just everything is on short notice and-"

"Emily let's just focus on one thing at a time. Tomorrow is your prom and then after that you'll unfortunately come back to New York and finish your last month at college then we'll go on tour and you don't have to worry about work. Just relax and go to sleep"

"Wait can I just check one more thing?" I reached for my laptop but Harry pulled me back.

"You can check it later"

"Fine" I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep.

This went on for what seemed like a few minutes but when I checked my phone it was 9. It was dark outside and I think we were over an ocean? I'm so confused. My clock keeps changing because of the timezones so I don't know the actual time. Harry was fast asleep too.

Ugh I have to go to the bathroom. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped over Harry. It was really difficult walking on a flying plane to get to the bathroom. Once I was in it I was so cramped up in this small bathroom. I looked at the reflection in the mirror and my hair was falling out of it's ponytail. I took it out and redid it then washed my hands and did what I needed to do then walked back to our seats.

I took my computer out and started on an essay that was due next week.


"So you're coming on tour with us?" I asked Eleanor and she nodded with a big smile on her face. As of now everyone was hanging out at Harry and I's house just catching up after three weeks.

"That's going to be thirteen people on one bus" Rayne said disbelievingly.

"I'll check with the driver to see how many beds there are total because for the Take Me Home tour we had two extra beds" I said pulling out my phone and texting Amanda.

"I'm so excited!" Gemma squealed. The boys were talking about something in the kitchen and now it was just Eleanor, Rayne, Gemma and I sitting on the couch.

"So how are you and Ashton?" Eleanor asked Gemma wiggling her eyebrows. I kept smiling even though I felt really awkward about talking about Ashton.

"We're fine" I knew she wasn't talking about him for a reason.

"Gemma you can elaborate what happened happened okay? When I see him on the tour I'm going to be nice and professional. So please tell us about your relationship!" She blushed then continued talking about him and what he did for her birthday and stuff. It was cute.

"Emily prom starts in four hours do you want to start getting ready?" Harry said entering the living room. He knows me so well.

"Damn girl how much time you need?" Niall laughed.

"She's going to need a lot. Em when is the last time you waxed your eyebrows?" Eleanor gasped.

"I lost track" I half smiled.

"Yeah you're going to need a lot of time" Rayne said.

"We'll need to do your nails too" Gemma stated.

"Have fun" Zayn smirked.

"Please save me" I begged and all three girls dragged me into the bathroom. I feel like Mulan getting stripped and thrown into a bath tub.

And that's exactly what they did.

Next thing I knew my feet were being scrubbed, my hair was being shampooed and my legs were being rubbed with oil then shaved. It's kind of nice just sitting here in the bath tub having everyone else do the work for you.

"Hold your breath" Eleanor commanded and I did as my head was pushed under water then washed and brought back up to the surface.

"Emily you desperately need a makeover" Rayne complained while washing my feet.

"I know but college is so much work"

"Speaking of which how has it been?" Gemma asked.

"Great the first day this nice guy named Brandon helped me with my five suitcases and it turns out he goes to NYU too so he's like my only friend there"

"Ohhhh is he cute?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah what does he look like?" Gemma added.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" Rayne asked.

"Okay all of you guys are in a relationship including me" I laughed.

"Alright but what does he look like?" Eleanor insisted.

"He had turquoise blue eyes and brownish blonde hair like Louis's actually"

"Nice. Any girlfriend we should know about?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah her name's Lauren she's really nice and she's a big fan of One Direction which helps"

"She sounds nice" Rayne said.

"Am I almost done?" I whined.

"With your bath" Eleanor said and made me standup then dry off. My legs and underarms were completely shaved and really soft. I was sitting a chair having my hair dried, my eyebrows shaped, and my nails done. This is like makeover on steroids.

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