Chapter 23

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"Can I call you tomorrow maybe you could show me around New York since you're my only friend. If you're not busy that is?" I asked Brandon while he was helping me unload my bags.

"Yeah I'll put my number in your phone" We switched phones and I added my contact into his phone then switched back.

"Well thank you for driving me. I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"No problem and yeah I'll see you. Bye Emily" Brandon flashed his white teeth then walked back to his car.

"Bye" I waved then managed to carry all four suitcases in the directory room to find where my dorm was.

"How may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Yes I'm Emily Robin. I need to enroll my classes for the summer semester" She typed my name in the computer and started telling me what classes I'm in or should take.

"You are in the all honors classes so you can just organize them however you please. The schedule is on this sheet" She handed me a piece of paper with all the classes and times and let me highlight which one's I would like to take on which days. I handed it back and she typed it in.

"Okay so Monday, Wednesday, Friday you'll be in honors chemistry in room 235 in the main building from 9-11 in the morning then your next class is honors calculus in room 112 in the main building from 11:30-12:45 then you have honors history in room 67 in the main building from 1-3 then your day is over. Tuesdays and Thursdays you have French in room 333 in the main building from 10-11:30 in the morning then your next class is honors English/Literature in room 456 in the main building from 2:15-3:30 then you are done." She printed out a sheet with all my classes on it and I thanked her.

"Oh and sweetie you can take one of those luggage carts it looks like you're going to need it" She smiled.

"Thank you" I grabbed a small one then neatly stacked my suitcases on to it and then remembered I didn't know where my dorm section was.

"Mam um could you tell me where the X section is for the dorms"

"Oh yes that's the very high class part of the dorms. When you walk outside you'll be in an auditorium and there's a map that can show you where it is"

"Okay thank you again" I waved then followed her directions. The map wasn't that complicated but jeez they had every letter of the alphabet taken up with these dorms. This school was bigger than I thought. It took me a while to navigate my dorm but soon I found section X room 38. I used the key she handed me when I got my classes and opened up the door.

The room was huge. Bigger than I expected. When you walked in to the right where two twin sized beds pushed up on both sides of the wall giving us plenty of space. The bed closest to the door was empty so I assumed that on was mine and the other had a black bedspread and a purple lamp on the night stand.

"Hello?" A girl called out but I couldn't find her.

"Hi I'm your new roomate" I answered and heard her scoff. Even when I can't see her I know she will be a bitch. I heard heels click behind me and turned around to see a girl with short beach blonde hair that faded into a turquoise blue color that was in the form of curls. She was wearing a black strapless dress that barely covered her bum. Her heels were like 8 inches making her very tall. A number of tattoos were printed on her arms but they were small not like Zayn's of course.

"Great. They told me I would be getting a new roommate but I didn't think you'd be Australian"

"I'm British actually"

"Same thing" She walked back into the bathroom probably to put more makeup on or whatever. I took my sweatshirt off because the room was very stuffy and I felt like choking. Two big windows were on the girl's side of the room and you could see the city and all the buildings from them. I looked down and saw the street jammed up with taxi's and people walking around with shopping bags and winter clothes on. The weather compared to London here is actually the same really.

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