Chapter 50

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Zayn and Louis eventually had to apologize to management and the world for their stupid mistakes but everything cleared up after about a month. Now we were on a plane to Paris and it was June 20th. I was on youtube just watching random videos while Harry was sleeping in my lap while his legs draped over Louis who was also sleeping.

Zayn and Liam were having a drawing contest which was weird considering Liam cannot draw to save his life. But I shouldn't be talking because neither can I. Niall and Rayne were probably making out in the bathroom and Gemma and Eleanor made a bed on the ground which included like ten blankets and four pillows.

My eyes skimmed over The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction on the computer screen. This should be good. As I started watching it I couldn't stop laughing. Zayn and Liam gave me weird looks from across the plane and I gestured for them to come over here.

"I love the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction!" Zayn squealed.

"You've seen it before?"

"Duh" Liam laughed. The three of us probably woke everyone up with our obnoxious fits of laughter.

"The second one is even better because it's starring me" Zayn smirked clicking on it since the first was already over.

"What are you doing?" Harry mumbled tiredly.

"We're watching the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction" I told him. He mumbled something incoherent and wrapped his arms around my stomach falling back asleep.

Once part two was over Zayn and Liam went back to their drawing contest and I continued searching youtube for interesting things to watch. I checked my phone to see how much longer. 5 hours ugh. I decided on just watching movies since that passes the time well.

What is the longest movie that I would like? I scrolled through the saved movies and came across the Titanic which was like three hours long. Yeah that sounds good enough.


At the end of the movie I was silently balling my eyes out because Jack was about to die. These movies get me so emotional.

"Is it raining in here or something?" Harry mumbled because my tears were landing on his cheeks.

"Shh you're ruining the moment" I sniffled with my eyes locked on the screen. Harry perked his head up and watched the last few minutes with me and understandingly nodded as to why I was crying.

I wiped my cheeks with the sleeve of my shirt and Harry went to the bathroom while I went to go look for some food. I was about to swing the curtain open but stopped when I heard Zayn and Liam talking about something that sounded serious.

"Harry doesn't want to tell Emily" Liam whispered. Tell me what?

"I think he should" Zayn replied.

"Well how would you feel if management said something like that about you and Perrie's relationship?" Great. When management is involved it never ends well.

"I guess not but how do you think Emily will feel if she finds out?" I didn't think before my actions and I pushed through the curtains that separated the plane into two halves.

"Finds out about what?" I asked. They both looked up at me with worried and shocked faces.

"Um it's nothing" Liam's expression was torn between wanting to tell me and not wanting to.

"Don't give me that crap what is going on?"

"It's just management that's all" Zayn tried making it sound better but I heard their voices and how serious it sounded.

"Well I work for management so why does it feel like I'm the last one to know what's going on?"

"Em if anything please just let Harry tell you" Liam begged.

"Like that's going to happen. Is something serious going on that I should know about? Do the other boys know?" Their silence was enough of an answer. "Well can someone please tell Harry that he should tell me because he hasn't said anything"

"Do you not trust me or something?" Perfect timing Harry.


"Well I work for management so why does it feel like I'm the last one to know what's going on?" I heard Emily's angry voice from the other side of the curtain. Shit.

"Em if anything please just let Harry tell you" Liam told her.

"Like that's going to happen. Is something serious going on that I should know about? Do the other boys know?" There was a long pause between the two of them before she spoke again. "Well can someone please tell Harry that he should tell me because he hasn't said anything" I couldn't help but join the gossiping session when she said that. Turns out Zayn was in here too.

"Do you not trust me or something?" For a split second Emily's angry facade faded as her eyes locked with mine but it soon returned.

"I don't know Harry! What is it that everyone knows but I don't?"

"It's not a big deal" I bit my lip trying to blow it off as some stupid management problem but we all knew it would be blown out of proportion once Emily knew.

"Then why do you look so scared right now" She sneered.

"Because I know how you're going to react!"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nobody wants to tell you because you're going to freak out and make a big deal about it!"

"Well it would be nice if someone told me!" All three of us stayed silent and our eyes were focused on the ground. "You guys are fucking unbelievable!" Emily threw her hands up in frustration and stormed out of the room taking a bag of potato chips with her.

"What the hell Harry?" Zayn snapped.

"You were supposed to tell her!" Liam added.

"How am I supposed to tell her something like that?" I whisper screamed so she wouldn't hear me.

"You guys have known each other for what like four years and you still can't confront her?" Liam threw back in my face.

"We can't help you with that Harry. We're only here to help with the outcome of it" Zayn stated walking through the curtains with Liam following.

"What's going on?" Gemma asked entering the room.

"Remember that call I got about a month ago when everyone was sleeping on the bus and we were the only ones awake?" She nodded and sat in the chair across from mine. "Well it was from management"

"What did they want?"

"They kept saying that Emily and I needed to act more like a couple in public because the fans are starting to think she's using me for money, fame, and everything"

"That's insane you don't actually believe that right?"

"Of course I don't I knew and loved Emily before One Direction"

"So what's the problem?" She seemed confused but I knew once I told her she'd be pissed at me.

"I haven't told Emily about the call yet" My sister paused while I was anticipating her reaction.

"What? Harry it's been a month!"

"I know but I don't want her to overreact"

"Well she's going to overreact even more once she finds out that you've known for a month!"

"That's what I was afraid of" I said burying my head in my hands.

"You need to tell her Harry I'm serious" Her dark hazel eyes stared into mine. "Do the other boys know?" I nodded breaking eye contact.

"Please promise me you'll tell her soon"

"I will"

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