Chapter 6

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The cold air snipped at my legs especially then sent goosebumps up my arms. I tried to ignore it and start running it was difficult. The wind was really strong and I felt like I was being blown over. I kept running and finally after twenty minutes I was inside the warm gym.

I basically just did my run so maybe if I felt like it I would hop on the treadmill later. I mostly worked on my upper body strength for the next two hours just lifting weights for no reason.

I took a break and walked to the water fountain and gulped down as much water as I could. When I turned around I hit a hard surface but not hard enough to be a wall or a girl. It was definitely a guy.

"Sorry" We both said at the same time. The heavy british accent couldn't be missed. I looked up into Harry's green eyes immediately regretting it. He had bags under his eyes and they were probably as red as mine. He looked like he had a rough lonely night...while I was sleeping with his best friend...

"Emily can we please talk" He said in hushed tone. I noticed his eyes traveled down my shirt and my cheeks heated up.

"There's nothing to talk about" I snapped. My voice was a little too loud because people were starting to stare. Why was he even here? Out of all the people I had to run into it was him?

"I owe you an explanation"

"I don't want to hear it" I said through my teeth

"Please baby can we talk?" My heart fluttered at the name 'baby' but I wasn't letting him get to me

"Don't call me that. I'm not your baby"

"We need to talk though"

"No we don't. You slept with Sophia because I wasn't good enough for you. That's it Harry" My words obviously hurt him but he needed to hear them. I stormed out of the gym into the bathroom but that didn't seem to stop him. Thankfully it was only a one person bathroom so we were alone not causing a scene.

"Emily that's not true I love you. Sleeping with Sophia was the stupidest thing I've ever done. We were both drunk at the party and she came on to me. I just didn't stop her and I know I should have. She kept coming over when you were gone because her and Liam would fight. What was supposed to be a friendly conversation turned into more and I didn't put an end to it. I'm sorry Emily please forgive me" I buried my head in my hands trying not to cry in front of him. I've known Harry for a long time and I can tell when he's being genuine or not. I knew he was telling the truth...

"I-I can't do this" I couldn't hold them in anymore and I knew my mascara mixed with the tears streaming down my face leaving black lines.

"Emily please don't cry"

"How do you expect me not to cry?! You broke my heart Harry! You were the one person that was my best friend and you were the one person I loved intimately! The one person that would hold me when bad things happened! You were the person I trusted!" I practically shout in his face hoping these walls were sound proof

"I know Emily and I still am that person please just give me another chance I'm sorry" He was obviously sorry and I should forgive him but I just feel guilty. Here he is trying to make it up to me when I totally went behind his back and acted like a whore.

"I-I forgive you"

"Really? Emily will you give me a second chance please?"

"I didn't say that"

"Are you going to think about it at least?" I nodded but I was trying to decided whether I should tell him or not.. "Emily what's wrong? Besides what happened"

"Harry.." I couldn't find the right words. I needed to tell him because I felt too guilty. He will probably hate me after this.

"What? What is it?" I took a deep breath trying to find the courage to say it. The room was spinning and I felt sick.

"I slept with Liam" My voice was barely a whisper but Harry heard me clearly

" what?"

"I'm sorry I just thought you didn't love me anymore so I wanted to feel like someone did" Harry looked crushed and I know I shouldn't feel that bad but I do. Just because someone hurts you doesn't mean you should hurt them too.

"Emily why would you do that?" His tone was a mix between anger and sadness that I had caused

"I don't know I wasn't thinking clearly"

"So you don't sleep with me but you'll sleep with Liam?!" That's when I saw the real Harry. All it was about was sex. Our relationship was just based on that.

"That's what this is about?! All you care about is whether I will have sex with you or not! I'm done Harry! Don't talk to me ever again!" I wiped off my mascara and ran out of the bathroom.

"Emily no that's not what I meant!" He chased after me but I ignored him. I ran outside and headed for Liam's but Harry probably drove so he would definitely catch up. I ran as fast as I could but I was losing energy. Actually it was already burnt out when I used it all up on the weights.

I slowed to a walk and this made the cold air more effective. When I was running my body heat was enough and increasing but now I'm even colder. I heard Harry's car coming closer behind me but I would just ignore him.

I rubbed my arms desperate to become warm. What the hell is wrong with me? There is snow on the ground and I have shorts and a t shirt on. I really need to stop doing that.

"Emily please get in the car you're going to freeze"

"Like you care"

"I do care and if you don't get in the car please at least take my coat" I ignored him and the car pulled over to the side walk. I heard the car door slam behind him and I felt him placing his jacket on me. I stopped walking so I could put it on but I never looked at him.

His coat came a few inches under my bum warming most of me. I inhaled his heavenly scent trapped in the coat.

"Can I please take you home?"

"No I'm going to Liam's"

"Why so you can fuck him again?" I faced him with anger. How dare he say something like that?! His hand covered his mouth as he obviously didn't mean to say it but you know what? He did. And the words never stung this hard.

"You know what Harry. I've been nice you to especially after what you did! I slept with Liam after I broke up with you so technically I did nothing wrong and you know what? I might actually do it again! I'll go over there and we will so whatever chance you thought you were getting is gone" I was extremely hurt by his words and I hope mine hurt him too. No I was obviously not going to sleep with Liam but it will torture Harry and pay him back for his rude comment.


"Don't even start or say you're sorry because you didn't mean it that way! You obviously have some thought that I'm a slut because that's exactly what you just implied!"

"You aren't a slut"

"Then how do you see me Harry?"

"Someone whom I don't deserve" I couldn't barely hear his mumbled words but I did. Harry's just as angry and sad as I am so he's going to say things he doesn't mean but that still doesn't give him the right.

"I'm not going to have sex with Liam again but I'm still going to stay there" Maybe that will clear things up so Harry isn't saying things that could change my mind about being his girlfriend again. "Goodbye Harry"

I started walking to Liam's again and my head was pounding from what just happened. His words rang through my ears as if I could hear nothing else. I desperately wanted to get in his car and go back to our apartment and make up and be happy again. Unfortunately things didn't work like that.

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