Chapter 26

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I sat as I watched the intoxicated half naked bodies saunter across the room grinding on each other. This party was so boring and I wanted to sleep. I glanced at my phone and it was only midnight. When are you supposed to go home? This party is off campus and I know no one. How am I supposed to leave?

Why didn't I think of these things earlier? Ugh well Ash never comes home from these things so I guess I'm here till the morning. Maybe I can find a taxi. I left the frat house and a cool breeze swept threw me. I looked around and there was a deserted road which we came here.

If I walked far enough maybe I would get back into the city. I pulled out my phone and tried finding myself on the map but there was no signal.

"Hey where's a pretty lady like you going?" I turned around and recognized that it was one of Ash's friends.

"Leaving. How do I get back to the city?"

"Why don't you stay? You never know what kinda people could be walking on these streets this late at night" His creepy demeanor shifted into a more rational caring one if you would even say that.

"No I have to go back to my dorm. Sorry"

"Aren't you Ash's roommate Emma?"

"Emily and yes I am"

"So she brought you here and now you wanna leave?"

"Pretty much" The boy had a buzz cut but I could still see it was a light color maybe dirty blonde? His green eyes sparkled under the moonlight and his aura gave off a strong scent of alcohol mixed with smoke. I didn't really trust him.

"I could walk you back to the dorms?"

"No thanks. How do I get to the nearest place where a taxi will show up?"

"Go straight up this road and keep going then you'll see lights" The mysterious boy smirked. Why was he smirking? I didn't think more about it so I turned around and left.

"Thanks" I broke eye contact before he could say anything else and walked in the direction he told me to.

Minutes passed and eventually I was just walking without any sense of direction. I checked my phone and it was already three. How long have I even been walking? My eyes grew heavy and my feet were cramping up in these heels.

I was just surrounded by trees. Does this road ever end? A car honking the horn in front of me startled my thoughts from my thoughts. I blinked multiple times and the headlights were getting closer. I don't think the driver was pulling over anytime soon so the car was headed directly towards me.

It was inches away from me before I jumped into the grass. Shit I almost got hit by a car.

"Holy shit are you okay?" I heard the car skid to a stop then a door open. The voice was familiar but I was in too much shock to place it.

"What the hell you didn't see me?!" I yelled back before facing the stranger.

"Emily?" Obviously he knew my name which was creepy. I rolled over and lifted myself off the ground to be met with his tan face and dirty blonde hair.


"I'm really sorry Emily I wasn't paying attention I didn't think anyone would be walking this late at night"

"No I guess it's okay. Um actually I'm really happy you're here"

"Good because I came to find you"

"What?" I was very puzzled by his statement.

"You left your dorm unlocked and when I went in no one was there so I asked a few people and one said they saw you and Ash leaving for a party and I know how those parties can be and for one they're always at this crappy frat house down the road and I knew you didn't have a car so I came to get you"

"What are you doing at my dorm at three in the morning?"

"Couldn't sleep" I laughed at his ridiculous scenario and got in the car with him.

"Well thank you. For knowing each other for only two weeks we sure know each other well enough" I smiled.

"We do don't we. Again I'm sorry I almost hit you with my car"

"It's okay let's just forget it ever happened" Brandon nodded in agreement and we silently drove back to the dorm. My phone soon got it's signal back and I saw I had a few missed calls all from Brandon.

Once we got back on campus we went up to my dorm and I mentally told myself not to forget to lock the door.

"Well I'm sure you probably wanna get some sleep so I'll see you later" Brandon said before opening the door.

"Yeah. Bye and thank you for finding me"

"No problem" He smiled then shut the door quietly. The last thing I remember was taking off my shoes and my dress before falling in my bed and my brain shutting down.

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