Chapter 52

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"Hey Rayne can you go save us a seat in the food court I saw these really cute boots in this other store!" I asked as we stood in the giant mall of Paris. Tomorrow was Rayne's birthday and we were all trying to get her a present while she wasn't with us.

"Yeah us too!" Gemma and El jumped in the lie. My sister gave us weird looks but agreed anyway. The rest of us scattered around the mall to look for a present for her.

The boots that I saw were really going to be for Rayne. I ran into the store and quickly purchased them in the right size then met back at the food court where she was sitting at a table of four alone. Now we'd just have to wait for Gemma and Eleanor.

"Hey did you find your boots?" I nodded looking around the French restaurants trying to decide what looked good. "Hey Em can I tell you something?"

"Yeah what's up?"

"So I keep hearing Niall and the other boys talking about this management issue with you and Harry? Is everything okay?"

"Not really. Something's going on and nobody will tell me. Do you know anything about it?" Maybe if anything Rayne can tell me about it but it sounds like she doesn't know anything.

"No I keep asking Niall but he brushes me off"

"Yeah Harry and I are kind of in a fight in the moment" I awkwardly admitted. "But it's like he refuses to tell me so it's pissing me off"

"Do El and Gemma know?"

"I think they would have said something by now if they did and they haven't so I don't think so" When the girls came back we all ordered our food and talked about random things until the air surrounding us got tense at Rayne's question.

"Do you guys know what's going on with management?" Just like with Zayn, Liam, and Harry they were silent not knowing what to say.

"Please tell me you guys aren't keeping it from me too" I begged.

"If it makes you feel any better we just found out yesterday" Gemma mumbled. It was good that I was almost done with my salad because my appetite after hearing her confession was gone.

"This is seriously so annoying. I'm not mad at you guys but it's just Harry!" I frutratedly sighed.

"I know Em but I talked to him yesterday and made him promise to tell you soon" Gemma offered a smile and I tried returning it but I just decided to stare at the floor.

"Thanks Gem"

"He'll come around Emily" Eleanor added.

"Can at least someone tell me how long he's known about it?"

"I think it would be best to let him tell you everything" Gemma's voice was just above a whisper trying not to break me at my fragile state but it wasn't helping. I'd crack at any time now.  

"Well the concert is in and hour and a half so we should probably leave now" I said changing the subject. They all agreed and we called Paul to help us get in the bus without getting mobbed by everyone. He was there in five minutes and we carried our shopping bags through the crowd eventually leading to the bus.

The boys were at soundcheck at the venue so that's where we'd be going. I silenty put all my new clothes into my suitcases while the girls gave me worried glances. I wish someone would just tell me what's going on. But no Harry needs to do it. (note sarcasm) yeah like that's going to happen. I'm going to end up finding out then he'll explain but by then I'll be too mad to listen.

I put together a cute outfit for the concert which was ripped denim high waisted shorts and a striped pink and white silky crop top along with white heels. I started curling my hair in the bathroom and reapplying my makeup while we were driving there.

I heard the girls talking about random things they had seen on the internet and stuff like that so at least it was like the thousandth time I've eavesdropped on someone talking about me and Harry and management.

I felt the bus stop signalling that we were at the venue and I exitted the bathroom finding all of the girls dressed similarly to me with their hair and makeup done. As we got off the bus fans begged for us to stop and take pictures so of course we did. The concert didn't start for another forty five minutes so we had time to kill.

Weirdly enough we stopped for intrviews for the paparazzi which we never did but these paps were nicer than the others. You didn't feel suffocated by them so we decided to pose a few times for the cameras before entering the arena. We all answered simple questions like 'how is the toiur going' and stuff but it was hard to understand them over the loud screaming and because their accents were really thick.

Once we were inside we made our way to the stage and the boys were just finishing Little White Lies. I took a seat in one of the chairs and my eyes wandered over to the boys eventually locking with Harry's. I broke away and decided to go follow some fans on twitter. The fan accounts that I followed were tweeting things like 'omg Emily is doing a follow spree' and 'I can't believe Emily just followed me!' The boys really do have the best fans.

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