Chapter 2

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TIM POV: I take another gulp of whiskey straight from the bottle. There goes nine years of sobriety. My eye's sting as I peak through the bedroom curtains. I look out to all the land that I own. Why? What is the purpose of owning 700 acres of useless space? I look at the alarm clock on the desk. It's 9:52.

"Dad?" Audrey says as she walks in the room.

"Goddamnit Audrey, what did I tell you about knocking?" I yell as I slam down the bottle on the nightstand.

"I'm sorry... Isn't Mom's funeral today?" She asks softly. 

"Yeah. I guess it is."

"Should we start getting ready?"

"I don't know, Audrey, alright? I don't give a damn when you guys get ready as long as you're ready to leave at 11." I say, as anger grows in my voice. Audrey slowly walks out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind her. I don't know why I'm angry with her. She did nothing wrong. I need to just make it through today. Then this can all go away.

Its been a week since Faith died. They had to do an autopsy to collect evidence for the case. The girls had been staying with Betty up until two nights ago, when they begged to come back and stay with me. Gracie decided to take off her first semester at Vanderbuilt to help take care of everything here. I don't know why she felt she had to. Maggie is 17 now, and Audrey is 13, they can take care of themselves. They don't need Gracie to sub in as part-time mom. 

I trip and knock the nightstand over, causing the whiskey bottle to crash to the ground. I walk over to my dresser and grab another bottle. Today is going to be a long day.

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now