Chapter 48

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ALLIE POV: It's finally Friday night, and Hunter should be over to pick me up any minute now. Actually, he should've been over to pick me up about 15 minutes ago, now that I see the clock. I put my earrings on and my last coating of lip gloss and run down stairs to see Dad and Hunter talking in the kitchen. Hunter already has a drink, and Dad's showing him his guitar. They both turn when they hear me coming down the steps.

"Woah... Alli." Hunter says, his jaw dropping.

"Hey. Do you think this is okay? I can go change if it isn't dressy enough or too dressy." I say. I couldn't imagine it being too dressy. I mean, I'm wearing a plaid button up with shorts and my cowgirl boots. I defiantly look like a country singer's daughter.

"Yeah, that's fine! You look stunning." He says giving me a bright smile. My dad winks at me. He likes him.

"Alright. Well we better get going then. Love you Dad." I say, giving Dad a kiss on the cheek as we run out the door to Hunter's truck. 

"Love you! Drive safe." Dad says, following us to the door. He watches us, as we pull out of the driveway and gives a final wave as we head down the road. I don't think my Dad embarrasses me as much as he should. 

We pull into a gravel parking lot in front of the lake, where everybody else parked. Our friends rush to the car when they see that we're here. 

"Hey Alli! Glad to see you made it this time." Mike mocks. I give him a playful punch in the arm as Hunter wraps his arm around me and leads me down to the lake. My friends all jump in the lake and the guys follow, which leaves me and Hunter left to stare at each other. Hunter laughs at the guys who are pleading with him to get in. 

Suddenly, I feel a hand come behind my shoulder and push me in. Right when I get above the water, I see Mike push in Hunter, who is still laughing at me falling in. I splash Hunter when he comes up, and he picks me up in the water and attempts to throw me. We play around for a while, until the bonfire gets started. 

Hunter and I head back to his car so he can lend me his sweatshirt. I'm having too much fun to care about how soaked my clothes are, or how much makeup has been washed off my face. It's not like Hunter cares about that stuff anyways. Hunter grabs his guitar from the back of his truck, and we walk over to the bonfire. We both sit on the same bench as he pulls out his guitar. Apparently, it's always his job to be the entertainment for the bonfire.

"Alright guys!" He says, signaling that he's ready. I face him and watch his expressions. He keeps looking back towards me when he addresses everyone. "Alright, this is a song I wrote about a certain somebody," He says, nudging my shoulder and laughing. "So I hope y'all like it!" He says as he begins to strum his guitar.

"I'd love to know just what you're thinkin'. Every little river, runnin' through your mind. You give and you take, you come and you go. You leave me here wonderin' if I'll ever know, how much you care or how much you don't. Whatever you need, whatever you want. If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak. If you're gonna be somebody's mistake. If you're gonna be somebody's first time, somebody's last time, baby be mine. If you're lookin' to be somebody's 'just friends', a little laughin', little lovin', never callin' again, that's just fine. If you're gonna be somebody's heartbreak, be mine." He sings, smiling so bright. The fire reflects in his eyes, as he does his runs and smiles the entire song. He laugh,s as he finishes the song. Then he whispers in my ear. 

"Can I talk to you for a second... Alone maybe?" He says, still smiling. I nod, as he takes my hand and his guitar, and leads me out into the woods. There's a blanket down and a camping lantern as well as a basket that has a full picnic. He smiles, still holding his guitar. He motions me to sit down, then sits down beside me.

"I figured you have had a lot going on lately, so I needed to make tonight worth leaving your Dad alone for a bit. I know you want to spend as much time as you can with him before it gets too bad. I figured you needed some pampering so I have your favorite candy, soda, candles, and music right here." He says patting his guitar. I smile.

"Nobody's ever done something like this for me before." I say, looking around.

"That's because they didn't see how incredible you are." He says smiling. I smile back, doubting the truth in his statement. 

"Well, are you going to play me one of your songs?" I say, sitting back. 

"Sure. Here's one I wrote about you. These songs aren't meant to sound creepy by the way... Just needed to clarify in case-" 

"Just sing" I say laughing.

"You know I'd fall apart without you, I don't know how you do what you do. 'Cause everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you. Like everything that's green, girl, I need you. But it's more than one and one makes two. Put aside the math and the logic of it, you gotta know you're wanted too. 'Cause I wanna wrap you up, wanna kiss your lips. I wanna make you feel wanted and I wanna call you mine. Wanna hold your hand forever and never let you forget it. Yeah I, I wanna make you feel wanted." He sings, looking directly in my eyes. I think I'm really falling for him. Too late to stop me now. He finishes the song and await smy opinion.

I smile, then suddenly he leans in, and kisses me right on the lips.

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now