Chapter 5

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TIM POV: I found an old flask that I filled with whiskey to hide in my jacket. I don't know how well this thing is going to go, so I might as well be prepared right? Man, I forgot just how good it felt to get drunk every once in a while. Betty's rounding everybody up to go as we all hop our black Suburban and go.

It's bright and sunny outside, and the September breeze is warmer today. We step out of the car and walk into the church as Audrey runs to catch up with Gracie and Maggie, who are ahead of us. Gracie is the only one who hasn't cried yet today. They all decided they wanted to say something at the service today. I wasn't so willing. I don't like when people seek pity on me, which makes today one of the worst days for me. Honestly, I haven't thought about her all too much. I don't think I miss her as much as I should. I mean, we were married for 19 years. I don't think I even know how not to be married.

The service starts, and about five minutes in, the girls give their little speeches. They all go up together for moral support. Gracie and Maggie pretty much say the same "Great mom, loving caring, ect." rant, but it's different when Audrey steps up.

"Mom was so good to us, and we all are so blessed to have her in our lives. When Dad was in the hospital, at first she didn't think we should see him because he was in such bad condition, but when he got better, she would let us curl up next to him in the hospital bed.  A few nights, I fell asleep right next to him and I heard her talking to him. At the time, he was still in a coma, so the odds were that he wasn't going to wake up, even though he did. She kept talking about old memories and the day they met. And she would laugh and cry quietly.  But then she started to sing. And if we all now my mom, we know she can sing." Everyone gave a little giggle and Audrey smiled. 

"She began to sing these lyrics to my dad: I want you forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, forever and always. I think it displayed how much she loved him, and still loves him. It just made me think of how lucky I am to have had two parents who love each other like that. The day Mom passed, I was almost shot, until Dad saved me. I ran and hid, but I could still see what happened. After she was shot, Dad held her and sang that same song. My opinion is that, love is the most important thing on the planet. Whether it'd be from a husband, sister, wife, kids, brother, ect. Mom was constantly surrounded by love. And I wish I could give close to even half as much love that she gave to us." Audrey says, now crying. She and the girls sit down, holding hands as it's my turn to say something. I haven't even planned out what I'm going to say.

"Hi everybody, um thanks for coming." I say giving myself time to think. "This wasn't how it was supposed to work out." I say. "She wasn't supposed to go first. That just went unsaid between us, because she was better with the kids and could keep on moving on with her own life easier than I could. Honestly, I don't even know how to do laundry, so I definitely don't know what to do with three teenage girls." some people laugh. "I'm one lucky man, though. I was married to the girl of my dreams for 19 years, and I have three beautiful daughters from it. I was lucky enough to wake up next to this absolutely stunning woman everyday and have her smile back. We had a rule that we wouldn't spend more than three days apart without a good reason, and we only violated it once before now, which was when I was in the hospital. This is the longest I've been without Faith for  almost 20 years. 20 years! I think I've questioned myself ever since the day we first said I love you, why she chose me. She deserves the world, not an old country boy. My god she was beautiful. In the morning, the sun would catch her eyes just right, and she was the most beautiful thing I've seen. We all know she could stun the red carpets, but she was most beautiful at home with her natural hair down, no makeup, and my old T-shirt on, while playing with the girls. She loved those girls with all her heart, and I'm certain she still does." I say as the everyone nods and smiles.

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