Chapter 39

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TIM POV: The meeting is going fairly well compared to the others this week. It feels very hostile whenever somebody talks in the conference room. They're all angry that I decided to not make music till now. 

"Putting off a new album for 10 years is fatal to your career Tim." They all say. I don't even care anymore. I want it out so those who might still be fans can have something. I'm not expecting a #1 album on the charts. 

"Listen, Scott." I say ready to get my point across. "I just want the album released. I don't care about all the little complications. If it's not top 10- or even top 40, I don't care. I just want some of my new music out there." I say. Scott nods, and bites the inside of his cheek. He's angry. 

I get up from the table and leave. There's not much use in me sitting around here to hear the same thing yelled at me over and over again. I hop in the car and begin to head home. I turn up the radio.

"Hope y'all are staying safe out in this nasty rain! Anyways, here's an oldie but goodie for y'all out there. Here's 'Stronger' from the late Faith Hill. Hit it boys!" The radio announcer screams. I smile and turn it up a bit more. The rain is slamming down in sheets on my Suburban.

"This is the window to my heart. I just want you to be free. There ain't no freedom where we are. Ain't no wishes in these stars. Ain't no reasons to believe. But don't worry baby. Don't you worry. Maybe this is what we need. A little bruise and a little bleeding, Some space that we can breathe in, Some silence in between" Faith sings. I smile a bit as lightning strikes right next to the highway. It phases me for a second, before the rain begins to come down even harder. I should probably pull over at the next exit and wait it out. I find the sign to see the next exit is three miles down the road. I frown and figure by the time I reach the exit, it will lighten up. 

Just then the car begins to hydroplane. I slam down the brakes, but that just sends the car out of control. I hit a mini van beside me, before I flip a few times, landing in a ditch. I'm still awake, but I smell gasoline and smoke. I panic and try to push my way out, but the door is jammed. I slam against it again and again, but it doesn't budge. I lean over to the other door to see if it will move, but it's jammed too. I begin to kick the door time after time, trying to loosen it, but it still doesn't work. 

I bust out the windshield and drag myself through it. I pull myself about 20 yards away from the car when the entire thing explodes. I turn around, trying to hide myself to the heat waves coming from the explosion. My heart pounds as I think of how close I was from being blown to pieces. I lay down for a second, trying to catch my breath. I sit back up and begin to look at my injuries.

I'm not looking too good. I can't move my left arm, and the fingers on that hand look severed and bloody. My chest hurts, and I think I broke a few ribs. I feel my head to realize I gashed it pretty badly. I may have even cracked it open. My eyes begin to hurt as a bright light shines. I panic, but then realize it's just the sun shining between the clouds as the rain lets up. My eyes are throbbing badly. My head begins to throb too, as I think about Alli.

Tim stay awake. Alli needs you. Don't close your eyes. You can't risk dying. Just stay awake. I repeat over and over again to myself. I see an ambulance pull up on the highway, the only problem is I'm behind the trees. I don't think they can even see me. I begin to panic.

"H-hey" I utter out, but my voice isn't loud enough. I begin to scream "Hey" over and over again, but they can't hear me. I try to drag myself up past the trees, but it is too excruciating. I search my pocket for my phone. The screen is cracked, but the phone still works. I dial 9-1-1. 

"Okay, sir just hold on and we will radio the first responders and tell them that you're down there alright? Just stay calm for me and do not hang up the phone till someone finds you, Understand?" The operator says after I tell her the situation. My eyelids began to feel heavy. I need to stay awake... I hear someone yell in my area. 

"Hel-" I can't even utter the full word. Exhaustion beings to take over my body, as I lay down next to the phone. Stay awake Tim. Just keep your eyes open. I tell myself. My eyes begin to drift shut, before I'm rudely awakened by EMT's strapping me to a gurney. 

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