Chapter 44

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TIM POV: I gasp as I wake up in the middle of a field. I sit straight up and observe all around me. The sun is setting and the field is full of different flowers and long grass. 

"Tim!" I hear Faith scream, as she runs from behind me. She sits down next to me with two glasses and a bottle of wine. She looks like she did when we first met. She hands me a glass and then rests her head on my shoulder, as we look out on the overlook. This must've been the first house I bought when I moved to Nashville. 

"So, I was thinking... Maybe for our one year anniversary, we could turn off our phones and head to the lake house, and get working on this family thing." She says softly. She smiles flirtatiously. I haven't said a word and I don't even know what my expression looks like right now. 

"That sounds great" I utter out. I don't know how to make it seem genuine. I forget how to talk to this Faith. She was completely different here than she was 20 years later. 

"You don't sound very enthusiastic." She says, nudging my shoulder. She smiles, and makes me remember why I fell in love with her all over again.

"I love you." I blurt. It was the only thing I could think to say. She gives me a weird look and perks up one of her eyebrows. I miss her old expressions. 

"I love you too? Why are you acting so weird?" She says.

"I don't know..." I say for lack of a better answer.

"You know what we should do?" She says, sitting on her knees and turning to face me.

"What?" I say

"We should play tag. I'll be it first... Go!" She screams as she hits my arm and takes off before I can respond. I quickly get up and run after her, but I lose sight of her. She starts to make a bird Coo-ing noise to signal where she is. I laugh and head in the house to follow her noise. I hear the front door close as I come in the back. I run through to see no one in the front either. I walk a bit down the driveway and look each way for her, but she's not there. She's stopped Coo-ing, now she's just laughing. My god, I missed her laugh. 

"Come and get me, cowboy." She says as she appears behind me. I turn around as she takes off it the other direction, looking back to see how close I was. I catch up to her and grab her hand. She whips around quickly, and kisses me faster than I was prepared for. We fall down in the long yellow grass, and wrap each other up. She lays on top of me, her hair cascading around her as the orange sunlight slithers through her blonde strands of hair. Her hand slips into mine, as my other hand grabs the back of her head to pull her in closer. 

This feels so right. I almost forget that this is all a dream...

I hear the beeps again as the orange light and warmth fades. I open my eyes to see I'm in recovery. The walls are all a shade of light blue or grey. Family isn't aloud in the recovery room, so it's just me, other patients, and doctors. I hear a man across the room screaming for his kids. 

"The fire! Did you get them from the fire? Where are they!" He screams, chasing other doctors and nurses. They have no idea what to tell him. 

I lay my head on the pillow and focus on breathing. My chest feels numb and tight. I move my gown to see a large scar running down my chest. My skin is yellow because of the Iodine. I try to call over a doctor, but only a few squeaks come out. A nurse sees me and comes over. 

"Well hey. How you feeling?" She asks. I stare at her, which gives her all the information that she needs to know. "We are going to take you back to your family momentarily."

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now