Chapter 43

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TIM POV: I hear the heart rate monitor go flat, and Alli's screams as she leaves my arms. Then everything goes black. I don't feel the pain anymore, but this doesn't feel right. In the pitch blackness, a light shines on someone familiar, like a spotlight. She smiles a smile full of warmth, and peace. She glides over to me, radiating goodness, as she grabs my hand and pulls me in close.

She smiles and says "Miss me?" I'm a little too distracted to smile back, no matter how badly I want to.

"I guess you could say that." I say. She runs her fingers through my hair, then pulls me even closer, so our foreheads are touching. 

"Just relax, there's nothing you can do right now, besides wait." She says, pulling me in for a kiss. I grab onto the sides of her head and pull her closer, when she pulls away. I forgot how good it felt to be with the one you love. 

"Tim, everything is going to be okay. I promise. They won't let you go unless you're ready." She says looking back and forth in my eyes. 

"I don't know what to do, Faith. I'm so scared." I say, running my fingers through her hair. 

"Just stay strong and hold on. Then everything should work it's way out." She says, then gives a smile. She lets go of me and begins to walk backwards. She smiles as the darkness drowns her. Once she's completely into the darkness, she screams in agony. I hear it piercing through all the darkness. I run towards her direction, but after the spotlight faded, the whole room went dark. She's still screaming, out of torture. I scream her name, but she doesn't respond in anything beside a scream. 

"Tim! Help me!" She wails.

"Where are you? Faith!" I scream back.

"Help-" She bawls. Her screams decrease to crying, then slow, heavy breaths, as she lets go. She lets out one final breath as the spotlight reappears, this time revealing someone else. My face is covered with tears and my eyes burn. I couldn't save her again.

"Well that's just too bad." A male voice says this time. I look up at him standing there in the light. His voice is full of anger as he walks closer to me. 

"She was always a good girl... Too good for you. Too bad you had to go and ruin her. See, if you hadn't come along, I wouldn't have had to kill her. But I did, of course. Do you know how miserable she would be if I let her keep living?" Jack says, laughing. He pushes me to the ground then begins to kick me. I don't fight back. Why? I'm not so sure myself. Maybe I'm just done. I've lost almost everything I've ever cared about. What is left for me? Alli has Claire. The girls don't need me either. Jack goes in for one more kick, as everything turns to light. I hear Alli scream again, and Claire trying to console her.

The pain is unreal, and it's increasingly hard to breathe. I clinch the side of the bed, because of the pain shooting down my abdomen. I begin to grunt, as I try to to scream in pain. I grab my chest. It hurts so much I can't even breathe in all the way. The doctor comes over and pulls down my gown to see a large purple and black bruise over my heart. I clinch onto Alli's hand, as the wheel me out of the room. I hold on, till we are too far apart. Then, I let go and look back at her, now burying her head in Claire's chest. 

The doctors roll me down what seems like a million of the same halls up to an operating room. Everyone's running around me with needles and masks. My eyelids start to get heavy, as they try to put me to sleep. I don't want to go back there. I have to stay awake. 

"Don't-" I say, waving my hand around as if to signal them. 

"Just close your eyes sir. It will all be alright." Says on of the nurses.

My eyes shut like anchors as everything fades once again. But this time, something is different.

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