Chapter 31

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GRACIE POV: I went ahead and drove Maggie and Audrey back to the house. It isn't good for us to see Dad like that. Audrey has been the most torn up one out of all of us. Neither me or Maggie knew Carrie that well, but Audrey was very close with her. Right now she has a lot to take on. 

"Maybe I should take a semester off to help dad." Audrey says in the backseat. 

"No, Audrey don't do that. He'll be fine. I'm going to graduate in a few weeks anyways so I'll just come back and help him." I say looking into the rear-view mirror at Audrey. Maggie is silent.

"Why does he do this to himself?" Maggie says breaking her silence. "It's selfish. Why doesn't he understand that we are going through this too?" She says looking at me for answers.

"Maggie, you have to understand that Dad knew Carrie longer than we all did, and in a different way too."

"She was pregnant..." Audrey says in the backseat. 


"She was pregnant. I heard her and Dad talking about how they didn't want to tell us until she was further along, in case she had another miscarriage." Audrey repeats.

I stare forward, feeling a pit in my chest when she tells me that. Dad must be hurting so badly now...

"How 'bout we all take off these next two weeks to help Dad when he gets home? That way we can be there for him, and he can be there for us." I say. 

"I think that's a good idea" says Maggie, as we pull into the driveway.

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