Chapter 17

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AUDREY POV: Dad told us about Carrie and him being together in the hospital last night. Everybody has been released, except her and Dad. Gracie was released last week, but she still has to stay on a liquid diet, which is why she's so grumpy. Maggie was released the day after we got put in and I was released two days after that. 

I like Carrie. I think everybody else does to. Dad and her are sharing a room since Carrie is getting night terrors. It's really scary, she just screams and freaks out until Dad wakes her up and tells her she was dreaming. 

When Dad does walk, he needs a cane. It's temporary, but it makes him look so old... The bullet that went into his leg, went through the bone and began to poke through the other side. It was really gross. The leg wasn't the main problem, the bullet in his chest was. 

The doctor said it just barely missed his heart by a millimeter. They said we are lucky to have him with us right now.

Mom hasn't been around since everything happened. She told us what's going on and how we can't have her around all the time. She told us about how she felt no pain and that she will always love us. Seeing her made it easier for us to move on I think. I think it brought me closure. She talked to me privately and told me about how none of this was my fault. She told me that she would die a thousand times to save my life, and she wouldn't regret it a single time.

Carrie's neck wound actually wasn't that bad, it just was really bloody. It was the bullet that went through her side that caused the most issues. They had to take out her spleen, one of her ovaries, and a couple other things. They said she probably won't be able to kids, and if she tries she would probably miscarry. When the doctors told her this, Dad held her while she cried, and even sang to her. He really loves her. I feel really bad for her. She got shot trying to save us. 

When we opened the door, Mom was trying to hold it closed so Derek wouldn't shoot us. Mom asked for help, and Dad tried to go, but Derek threatened to shoot him and Carrie if he did. So when Mom slipped and the door opened, Carrie tried to grab the gun out of his hands, but he just hit her with it and then shot her in the side. Then, he shot Dad when he went to help her. 

I think Carrie would be a good mom.

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