Chapter 38

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ALLISON POV: I walk in, and head straight to my locker. My best friend, Liz, runs to me.

"Guess who Becca said has a major crush on you?" Liz says, jumping up and down. She's so thin that her designer clothes pretty much hang from her shoulders. Her ombre hair is braided in a fishtail. She always wears outfits that look like they are straight from a magazine, which always makes me a tad jealous. 

"Who?" I ask, enthusiastically.

"Dylan Conor! The hottest kid in school! You should totally talk to him!" She says, as I shut my locker and begin to walk down the hallway. 

"Liz, he might be attractive, but he's really dumb. I'm pretty sure this is the second time he's been in 11th grade." I say, offending Liz a bit.

"It's worth a try, though! You never know, he could surprise you." She says nudging me with her shoulder as we pass him.

I actually have the hots for a different guy, and Liz knows. It's just never going to happen. His name is Hunter. He's one of the smartest guys in the school, and he's gorgeous. He has a country twang, an amazing smile, and he sings like a country heartthrob.  He's insanely kind and respectful. He's the kind of guy my Dad would love to see me with.

"You should just ask Hunter out already. It's so obvious that you like him." Liz whispers in my ear.

"I don't think he likes me." I say, trying to keep from blushing.

"He talks about you non-stop!" Tags in my friend, Mike, as we walk into homeroom. 

"Mike, this is girl talk." Liz says with her grade A sass. Mike is best friends with Hunter. We actually met through Mike.

"It's fine, Liz." I say, trying to console her. "What exactly is he saying?".

"He wants to take you as a date to the party out at the lake Friday. He really likes you." Mike smiles, making fun of me blushing.

"Well, then." Liz says elbowing me and smiling. I bury my head in my arms to hide my smile. Mike laughs.

The bell rings, releasing us to first period. Hunter is my lab partner for first period physics. I walk in the room and he waves me over.

"Hey Alli! I like your necklace." He says, his eyes shining bright. I try to hide my smile.

"You say that everyday." I tease.

"That's because I like it even more everyday. Hey, I have to ask you something." He says, grabbing my arm.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Would you like to go to the lake party together on Friday? Like as a date-like-thing. If you want to go as friends that's cool too, but I was just-"

"I would love to go to the party with you." I say, cutting off his nervous banter. He lets out a sigh of relief and then laughs.

"I thought you were going to say no! That would've been awkward if you did." He said smiling. I smile and walk back to my desk, trying to hide how happy I am.

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