Chapter 6

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TIM POV: We are walking over to where Faith is going to be buried, when Audrey begins to break down. She cries, and goes to Gracie for comfort. I'm a little hurt she didn't come to me. The preacher continues to talk as I zone out, looking at the casket 2 feet away from me. They begin to slowly lower her into the ground, and that's when I lose it.

Don't cry Tim. The girls need you to stay calm for this. 

But that doesn't help. I begin to cry. 

Once they're done lowering her down, everybody starts to leave except for Audrey. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her, but she shoves me away and heads for the car. I begin to run after her, but she's already with Betty. I turn around and see them begin to shovel in the dirt. I panic.

I run into the woods on the other side of the cemetery as fast as I can. I hear the girls and Betty screaming for me in the background, but their voices are getting softer and softer as I run. I sprint until I trip on a down tree, and then I weep. 

"Come back please Faith! I can't do this! Tell me this is all a dream." I scream. I don't know why I thought yelling at her would help. I told her she could let go, so she did. I guess I had just hoped she would know what I was really saying. 

"I'm here Tim."

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now