Chapter 28

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TIM POV: The baby survived, but Carrie didn't. I've been pretty somber since this all happened. I held our baby girl for a few hours, before I decided to put her up for adoption. I wasn't cut out to raise a kid by myself, and my own daughters had never even found out that they have a half sister yet. 

I've been home for about four weeks now, and of course I'm reverting to old habits. Audrey just started her first semister at LSU, which leaves me here alone. What the hell am I supposed to do, but drink?

My days have been wake up, drink, write, go to sleep, and repeat. I write, because I need something to show how I felt, in case I do end up taking my own life... Like a window, showing some clairty on the situation. I don't want people to think I just killed myself because I was drunk, or simply because I could. 

You've changed be baby. Given enough time girl you might've saved me. But then again you might have just gone crazy, trying to love a music man. Don't worry honey, I understand why you went running from me. I guess I really should have seen it coming. I'll always die by own hand. 

I write the words on a pad of paper as I drink more whiskey. It's too quiet here. It's beginning to get to me. 

"Faith? Honey please I need you. I'm afraid of what I'm going to do if I can't talk to you right now." I say, but she doesn't answer. "Faith! I need you! Please!" Still silence. "How come when you needed me most, I was there, but you left me just when I needed you most." I let ring through the air. I begin to cry, as I go to find rope in the garage. I make a noose out of the rope and hang it from the ceiling in the master bedroom. I stand on the bed and put the rope around my neck. I take one last breath as I step off the bed.

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now