Chapter 34

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TIM POV: Gracie sits down, as John hands her a ginger ale. She looks like she's about to pop. Audrey's over in the kitchen with Maggie, as her fiance talks with Maggie's husband.  John's holding their son, Josh, in his arms, trying to get him to stop crying. Gracie begins to talk to me, as she rubs her pregnant belly. 

"Man, I swear, she is going to be a pro soccer player! She's kicking like crazy!" Gracie was blessed with her mom's fertility. If she even thought about babies, she was pregnant.

Maggie's been trying for a while now, but I think she enjoys being with her husband right now more than anything.

Audrey is set to be married in the spring, and as of right now, doesn't plan on having kids any time soon.

I smile as the Christmas music plays and everyone talks. John and Gracie are now playing with Josh. John looks at Gracie like she's the light of his world, as she bounces Josh up and down. He looks at her just like I looked at Faith. A ball gathers in my throat, but I press it back down. While Christmas dinner cooks, we all sit around the fireplace in the family room telling stories. Maggie pulls out a really old photo album. Faith must've made it right after Audrey was born. 

"Dad, can you tell us stories about you and mom?" Audrey asks as she looks through the pictures. I take a drink of my coffee and nod. 

"Your mom was engaged when I met her." I admitted. 

"What? I never heard about that!" Gracie says, resting her head on John's shoulder. 

"Yeah. She was engaged to her producer." I say, remembering.


"Yeah. Your mom left him, because he started to become possessive and abusive. He kept producing with her for another album, and I kind of flaunted your mom in front of him. She could always tell, but I was that kind of guy back then. I was an asshole before you guys came around."

"What did you guys do, before we came around?" Maggie asks.

"I used to try and impress her with all these romantic surprises, which always went wrong one way or another. Our first date went so wrong, but it was one of the best days of my life. We drove out to the lake, where our lake house is now, and we were going to have a picnic. I had everything set up and we had the radio out, and we sang along to these old country songs on the radio. But in the middle of the picnic, it began to pour out of nowhere. Your mom was wearing a white sundress and was shaking like a leaf by the time we got in the car, so I drove back to my place and got her a change of clothes. Then I pulled out the guitar, and sang to her, and after that we sang together and wrote songs all night. She fell asleep in the middle of one of the songs, on the floor at like six in the morning, so I got her a blanket and a pillow and I slept right next to her. She was still soaking wet. I woke up before her, to see that she had her arms around me and my arms were wrapped around her, and everything just felt so right. I knew right then that she was something I couldn't lose." I said, smiling looking at the picture of us.

"When did you guys tell eachother that you loved eachother?" Gracie asks.

"We were on stage singing this song that your mom and I thought was good. It was called Nobody Knows It But Me. This was like a day after our first date, and she just gave me this look that told me it was the right time. We finished the song, and your mom came in and we slow danced in front of thousands of people, and I whispered it in her ear."

"What did she say?" Says Audrey eagerly.

"She said something like I bet you say that to all the pretty girls out there. I told her that I did, but this was the first time I really meant it. That's when I stole her heart." I say smiling. "I was a charmer." 

"What about the first time you guys met." Audrey asks.

"We were going through the honkytonks on Broadway, looking for possible opening acts for Spontaneous Combustion, and there was an artist showcase at The Stage. We walked in and listened and this girl sounded okay, a little pitchy at times. We left to go to the Bluebird and I slammed into your mom walking out of the bar. We both fell on the ground, and she skimmed her knee really bad, so I took her into The Stage's bathroom and I helped her wash out her scrape. She was pissed. We had seen each other once before, when she came to audition for the opening act, but my manager turned her away because at the time she didn't even have a single. We walked out of the bathroom, and I bought her a drink. Then it became open mic and I dared her to go up and sing, and she did. She was so amazing.... Then she dared me to sing, and I did. Then we sang together, and got drunk off of our asses. Somehow I managed to drive her home to her very angry fiancé, without get ourselves killed. I just kind of fell for her right then." I say laughing. 

"Was Mom different before we were born?" Gracie asks.

"Hell yeah. We used to go skinny dipping, and your mom would race me down old country roads in our trucks. I always let her win, because she scared me. We used to do rope swings across the lake. That's why that lake house meant so much to your mom. Because we fell in love there. When we were engaged, we ran around naked and played hide and go seek." I say, the girls cringe. "She was crazy. I was crazy. You guys forced us to calm down. Gracie, you experienced some of our crazy but by the time Audrey came, we were boring. When she was pregnant with you guys she would always talk to her stomach. I thought she was insane, but at the same time, it was cute. Every night, I would fall asleep with my head on her stomach. She used to love it when I talked to her stomach too." 

"Okay, what was your best day with Mom?" Maggie asks pulling out different photos.

"I don't know. There's too many to choose. I do remember one of the best days was when your mom and I faked sick, and spent the entire day on the lake. We were sitting on the dock, then I pushed her in. I felt bad, because she was soaking wet and pissed, so I reached out a hand to help her up, but she pulled me in instead and started laughing. We started kissing and then your mom threw off her shirt and bra and then pants. Before we knew it we were full out skinny dipping and kissing in the lake. I know this is gross for you guys, but that was the first night we did it. Actually that was the night we conceived Gracie." Gracie shudders. "She just kept giving me this look. She had never looked so beautiful. She was soaking wet, wearing a pair of cut offs and my old t-shirt that she stole from my house, her hair was naturally curly, and her eyes were shining bright. I wish I could live that day over and over again." I say, laughing at how disgusted the girls are.

"I love these stories about Mom. I wish I could see her again." Maggie says.

"I would give just about anything to have one more day with her." I say, as my smile slowly fades.

"Me too." Audrey adds

"I think we all would." Gracie says. "She was just that kind of person."

We all nod as the mood turns more somber. Then the phone rings. 

"I'll get it!" Audrey yells as she runs for the phone. "It's for you Dad!" She says

"Who would've guessed?" I say sarcastically while reaching for the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello! Am I speaking with Mr. McGraw?" A woman on the other end says.

"Yeah this is him. What can I help you with?"

"I'm afraid your daughter is without a guardian as of right now. We've been searching for fosters but no one will take her in." She says. I feel a pit in my chest thinking about the daughter I put up for adoption years ago.

"What happened?"

"I'm afraid that I can't tell you on the phone at this minute. Is there any chance you might be available tomorrow and we can discuss this in person?" She says. I agree as she gives me her information and tells me that my daughter is staying with her for that night. We hang up and my heart races. I hope she is alright.

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