Chapter 16

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TIM POV: Derek fired five shots, one for each of us. I remain still so he thinks I'm dead. I don't think I have the strength to look up and see my daughters dead. Once I hear Derek's laugh slowly travel out the front door, I lift up my head to see Audrey hugging Faith. Audrey's wailing at the top of her lungs. 

Faith starts to sing to her to try and get her to calm down so Derek doesn't hear her scream. "A field of flowers dancing in the spring. A little creek, a tree, an old rope swing. Cotton candy clouds against the blue. That's the kind of day I wish for you." Faith sings. She used to always sing that to Audrey when she was younger. 

I put both hands on the ground, but I can't push myself up. I turn over and sit up to see that he shot me in the chest, and the other bullet went into my thigh. I shake Gracie and Maggie and pray they wake up. Maggie opens her eyes quickly, but for Gracie it takes a little longer. 

"Gracie, come on baby. It's going to be alright, just open your eyes, please." I say pushing back her hair. She begins to cry as she turns over. He shot her right in the stomach. She's bleeding badly. I begin to panic, as she groans. Faith hands me a blanket to wrap her in, while she continues to sing to Audrey and Maggie. 

"Just hold on for me baby, okay? Can you do that for me?" She nods and grabs my hand. 

"Dad, I'm scared." She says as tears slowly stream from her eyes. 

"There's nothing to be scared of okay? I'm going to make sure you're okay. I promise." I say wiping her tears. I wrap her up the the blanket and hold her close to me as I rock back and forth. Audrey and Maggie are as calm as they can be, so Faith stops singing. Then, she walks behind me to Carrie. Faith slowly starts to turn her over.

"Stop!" Carrie screams in pain, grasping her side. She's been shot in the hip and in the neck. Luckily the bullet didn't make it far into her neck.

"What hurts?" Faith asks. Carrie points to her wounds and cries out in pain. Faith tries to wipe up some of the blood but it just hurts Carrie even more. Faith grabs another blanket off the family room couch and wraps Carrie in it. Carrie isn't looking so well. 

"Tim, I can take care of Gracie." Faith says standing over me. She helps me limp over to Carrie, then goes over to Gracie and sings to her. The pain in my leg is unimaginable, as I try to soothe Carrie. I don't know what to do.

"Tim?" Carrie says.


"Can you sing to me. Please..." She says biting her lip to keep from screaming.

"Yeah, I guess I could do that." I say, putting her head in my lap. I begin to sing to her the song I used to sing to the kids.

"Dancin' when the stars go blue. Dancin' when the evening fell. Dancin' in your wooden shoes, in a wedding gown. Dancin' out on 7th street. Dancin' through the underground. Dancin' with the marionette. Are you happy now? Where do you go when you're lonely? Where do you go when you're blue? Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you. When the stars go blue." I sing. She gets quiet, but continues to squeeze my hand.

"Everything is going to be alright, just hold on, okay? We're going to get you fixed up, alright? Just stay with me. That's all you have to do. Just stay awake." I say, running my fingers through her hair.

"Tim," Carrie says quietly.

"What?" I say.

"I love you..."

"I love you too." I say smiling. Faith peeks up and smiles.

Just When I Needed You Most (Sequel to Forever & Always)Where stories live. Discover now