Chapter 40

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ALLI POV: "...Thus making the holocaust the most famous genocide in history. Alright everybody open their books to-" The phone rings, giving us a moment of freedom from this torture. I look at Liz and I begin to tell her what happened with Hunter as Mrs. Norton answers the phone. The whole crowd is erupting in chatter while Mrs. Norton attempts to silence us. 

"Hunter asked me to go to the lake as a date!" I spit out, smiling. 

"Really! I knew you guys were made for each other! Okay so is it Halli or Anter? I prefer Halli." She says, making me blush.

Mrs. Norton looks upset when she hangs up the phone. She walks back to her podium and then stares at me as the whole class falls silent.

"Allison, I'm afraid the office would like to see you, on the case of a family emergency. They ask that you bring your things so you are prepared to leave." Mrs. Norton says. My heart drops as I quickly exit the room, looking at Liz on the way out. I run through the hallways to the main office to see Claire there. She looks upset. 

"Where's Dad?" I immediately say. 

"Honey, he's in the hospital-"

"Is he going to be okay?" I say, panicked.

"I don't know. The doctors called me and told me to get you to the hospital. They didn't tell me much besides the fact that he was in a car accident." She says rubbing my back, as I begin to sob. I can't lose him too.

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